After yet another day of struggling to get my child ready for school, I realize I must direct my frustration to the source. After 2 years of Pre-school and seeing my child's growth and desire for learning, we switched to a public school that I thought could offer my child more cultural diversity and a more complete learning opportunity. A different viewpoint and the choice of expanding the academic arena.
Almost two years later, I realize I made an error in judgment, and there are some things I will have to teach my child at home; besides manners, cultural diversity, social responsibility, etc.
I will have to let school solely serve purpose for academics.
I usually try to be as objective as possible when offering my opinion or experiences of anything because I do realize it is merely my opinion. So, I came up with a list of "thank you's" I'd personally like to offer Montclair Elementary School and the Denver Public School system.
First and foremost, thank you for never closing or delaying schedule for snow days.
Thank you for allowing my child to be harassed on the playground and allowing him the opportunity to learn new words even I don't know the meaning of.
Thank you to the principal for threatening my 6 year old child directly for events which happened while you were on maternity leave.
Thank you to the teachers which single out children for personal humiliation.
Thank you for segregating classrooms.
Thank you for changing my child's love of learning to a detestation of school.
Another thank you to the principal for engaging in a personal, emotional, unprofessional argument with my ex-husband on the topic of "unsubstantiated reasons your child was pulled from the accelerated class and placed in a marginal learning/ 50% esl class" - this was comical at best.
Thank you for the worst 2 years of my child's life.
Thank you for affirming why private school should always be an option.
Thank you Denver Public School system for keeping it real - Real mediocre.