It seems I waited and waited for this birthday. I knew it would be life changing. I started my year thinking, "This year is going to be stellar for me; career-wise, in my womanhood, and just lifestyle changes." I had big plans for the year I turned 40.
Well, yesterday came and went.
Nothing spectacular happened. I went to work. I had appointments. People canceled on me. I went home. I made dinner. My kids sang. No big deal. Over the weekend I had events which were fun, but nothing screamed "You're 40 now!"
It really was just another birthday.
Then my God-father called. He said, he "was calling all old, broke-down women '40 and above', and I now made the list". This is my God-father. He stated, couldn't talk long, because "he doesn't talk to old women long". My mom's oldest and dearest childhood friend. Someone who tells it like it is, and you better not get your feelings hurt.
And I laughed. For the first time, all day, all weekend, I laughed.
We joked about his age. He turned the pointer back to me, and I laughed some more. I had now seen two sides to the coin. The side I was looking forward to - "fabulous and 40", and the side he brought me back to reality with, "it's all downhill from here baby, YOU OLD".
I still have so many plans for this year, and I know that 40 is the new 25 (for me at least), but all in all, I chalked it up to another day and made my schedule out for the rest of the week like I normally do on Mondays. Soccer practice tomorrow, Orchestra concert, lunches, dinners, dishes. Coffee with a girlfriend. Hopefully squeeze in a date night. Girls Night out - mandatory~