I have seen some very intriguing acts by some individuals close to me lately and I want to address the concept of double standards and why some think the world revolves around their needs. Is this a sign of home training - nature vs nurture, or a developed concept in line with self-imposed needs and pure selfishness?
On a day to day basis I notice in traffic, at the grocery, speaking on the phone, even in interviews - people consistently behave in a manner which reminds me to teach my kids the importance of treating people the way you would want to be treated. On one hand, I am glad that I get these opportunities to remember what my role is as a parent, on the other hand, it's so frustrating to have people whine about what they aren't getting and simultaneously deny a common courtesy of others.
I have been on a ridiculous number if interviews lately. Interviews where the business owner states, "I will call you, one way or the other", and they don't. Yet, they complain that the integrity of the applicants or former employees is in question.
I listened to my son complain that he never has his own money to purchase things for himself (like candy), while his sister gets her own money and always has candy and games and her own "stuff", yet she never shares with him. Then he proceeded to tell me in the next breath how he wanted a spcific game for Christmas, not just because it was fun, but because he would be able to prevent his sister from playing "his" game. His stuff would have greater value to her than it would to himself.
I have a friend in SoCal/Newport Beach who maintains relationships with female friends all over the country. He is somewhat of a flirt (salesman), calling, texting and flirting via social networking sites. He even visits with them when he travels, yet he consistently asks his live in girlfriend who she is texting and calling. He has issue with her dancing and flirting with other men publicly as well.
"Do as I say not as I do."
My mom said this phrase to me once when I was a teenager and I didn't quite understand it at the time. Now, (as a parent) I get it, but wonder how it relates to adults in day to day relationships. If I have friends who never come to my house to visit, but only want me to drive to their house, It grows old quickly. And I have done that. I'm lazy when it comes to driving.
I also prefer to cook rather than go out to eat. I'm cheap and I think I'm a good cook. That doesn't mean that my friends want to come to my house all the time because I want them to. There is compromise.
I used to believe that double standards were acted out by a small portion of the earth, but recently realize that everyone has them.
"Don't talk shit about me, but I'll talk shit about you."
"It's ok for me to go out and chat up members of the opposite sex, but not ok for you."
"Don't eat my donut, but I finished off your ice cream."
Every where I look. It's amazing.
When did we become so self-absorbed?
Maybe as I explain to my son that if he wants his sister to share her toys and her candy, perhaps he should stop stealing her lemonheads and share his toys, maybe she will follow suit and share with him...I hope. Or maybe she will continue to keep her shit and eat his too, because she can and that's the world we live in now.