Today I knew would be the best Friday yet.
I had big plans for a fantastic day. Starting with a short, 3 mile run, I just wanted to get the face flushed and stretch my body a bit.
As I ran through downtown, I felt like a Nike commercial, feet hitting the pavement, cars around me, the homeless and the business people brushing past with much and no determination whatsoever.
I had a pedicure and lunch planned with Sweet Andee who always makes me feel better about myself with her positive outlook framed by a firm grip on reality and honest rhetoric. She is my breath of fresh air.
I ran errands and headed home to start a project which would take up my afternoon while distracting me, all the while keeping me out of trouble and keeping my mind clear for the evening.
Then phone calls for Happy Hour and more socializing with friends - Which is, by all accounts, the best way I could spend any day. Taking care of my body, clearing my mind, writing and sharing myself with my friends.
Who could ask for a better day?
The down side of this is I would love to do this everyday, so finding a way to balance - keeping all this good stuff happening on a regular basis has been my challenge, but I did come up with 3 new ideas for writing projects and if each day only had 6 more hours, I could write them all.
And how did Friday come to have such an impact on me?
This is the real question.