Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hunting...and stuff
There are rules.
I didn't take a pencil and pad, so I will just say, there are rules, so ask. My biggest fear was that there would be no talking and I would FAIL. I am not sitting anywhere with a group of people for hours on end, and not saying one word. This is outrageous to me. What is the point of bonding if there is no talking? I don't know many humans capable of this type of interpersonal relationship.
I was assured I would be able to talk...when appropriate.
And then we sat...and waited...and waited...
I already appreciated the concept of men, "getting away with the boys", but now I further appreciate the concept of sitting in a "duck blind" or a "tree stand" (Ladies, you should know what these words mean) with a couple other dudes, for hours on end, quietly, waiting for animals to roll by.
It takes patience, and determination - so no matter who your man is in the real world, he has to be a patient, controlled guy to even attempt this feat.
I brought my ipod, so I could at least listen to music while I lurked in the bush.
The gunshots are loud, so be prepared to be continually startled by the sound of gun fire. I have to admit, I live downtown and every so often I hear a couple gunshots, but never, do I hear rounds of shotgun shots, and it is startling, no matter where you come from. At one point when everyone jumped up, kicked down the duck blind and started firing at the group of birds flying overhead, I felt like a war veteran in the middle of a full contact zone with the enemy.
But... this is not what got my heart beating and emotions rolling.
There was a point in the day where one of our hunters clipped a bird and the bird went down slowly. Slowly, slowly... another hunter had to track the bird and end the death process so the goose would not suffer. All I heard was the shot in the distance which I knew was ending the life of another breathing creature.
For a second, I became a bit emotional, thinking about horses that break a leg, or rabid dogs...all the things Hollywood has deemed, "OK" to put an animal down... to end it's suffering. Then I paused...how could I possibly ever eat duck again? I asked, do they make pate from the ducks that are shot down here it the country?
"No", was the answer.
Then OK, I think I will survive this experience.
Then the sun set...
and once again, I had to acknowledge the beauty of a simple existence and how it all started.
How small we are in the big picture.
How man still rolls through the wild to maintain contact with the earth and each other.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Affluence and the Spouting of Economic downfall
I have to tell you, I despise when media stories start emerging one after another on the topic of how whatever is happening in American Society right now (or for a decade) is finally impacting the rich and powerful...Or just the rich.
Middle Class Americans have been feeling the pain, faster and harder than the affluent for years now. Hanging on by a thread... still barely feeding their families after the market crash (which one you ask? keep reading), the war, the real estate crash, etc ETC ETC!
Poor people know what it looks like, know how to deal, because they have to...year after year. Struggling to feed their families on minimum wages, and retail sales.
Middle class Americans know what it feels like, because they are only a generation (or three) away from a relative who is living in a trailer and they know that smell.
The affluent try to pretend they have no idea what a depression looks like, and want to deny it's existence, because in that moment it doesn't affect them. But in reality, it does indeed affect everyone. Trickle by trickle, eventually, whether by one less fur coat, or a loss of a summer home, or by the crash of your entire world by excessive spending and ignoring the need to strap the ship tight, everyone feels the crush of a country in economic distress.
In reading the linked article, the only thing that stood out in my mind was "who tries to maintain a millionaire's lifestyle, while accepting a teaching job that pays under the minimum wage"? Twenty grand won't feed one man, much less a family of four and maintain a 650,000 home in Vermont, Who are they kidding?
Live within your means!!!
This is, and has been the main downfall of our country.
We, as a country, have never understood how to live within our means, plan for the future, and be OK with that. Who cares if your neighbor has a horse farm, and a sports car? Are your kids fed and healthy? Can you retire and take care of your family? We have no concept of future. No concept of life without stuff.
Something to think about?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
On the topic of Monogamy
We all know the religious and community reasons, but who initially came up with the idea?
Is this another Adam and Eve proposal? One man, one woman in a garden as close to heaven as we as humans will get. Did it appear after some fantastically intelligent scientist studied penguins for a decade and decided we should do that too?
"THE QUESTION ARISES: Why is sexual fidelity so rare, even among animals that are socially monogamous? For most evolutionary biologists, the real question is: Why do socially mated females have E.P.C.'s? There has never been much doubt about why males do. Males make sperm, which are extraordinarily small, are produced in amazingly large numbers, and require essentially no biologically mandated follow-through in order for reproduction to succeed. As a result, the optimal tactic for males is typically to be easily stimulated, not terribly discriminating as to sexual partners, and generally willing -- indeed eager -- to fertilize as many eggs as possible. As the sociobiologist Robert Trivers first pointed out in 1972, and as subsequent theoretical and empirical research has shown, males tend to follow a "mixed reproductive strategy," whereby they establish a mateship with a designated female (and perhaps assist in nest building, territorial defense, care of the young, and so forth insofar as those activities increase their reproductive success) while also making themselves available for E.P.C.'s with other females, whom they will not assist." David P. Barash
This all makes sense - the concept of defining relationship boundaries by child rearing. If monogamy is solely needed for the role of parenting, it would follow that single people, really do not need the restriction. BUT, if mainly men, who emit these thousands of sperm indiscriminately, seem to be the one's making the laws about what is deemed appropriate socially - then why?
We are all well aware of the have cake/ eat it theory.
But, if men want to spread seed, then why wouldn't it seem reasonable that they would want open ended "laws" to facilitate that innate desire and simultaneously make it more appealing to the opposite sex?
The concept of fidelity only comes into play as men, who laid the law, and women who have the same desires, get caught. The roles of men and women have changed drastically, but the laws have not.
Personally, with the fear of STD's, and stalkers, and just weirdness in general, there is something to be said about monogamy. But, everyone likes a little spice..something different. Noted.
As I get older I realize it's not the newness I crave as much as the comfortability. But, like in every stage of life, it seems that women and men reach different stages of activity and desire at opposing times of life. Men peak at 17, women peak at 40. Women want relationships at age 25, men at age 50. Who are we supposed to be mating with?
People don't cheat because they just don't want the relationship they are in - it's appealing to have something different. To attract someone on the same track. To have the sports car and the SUV.
I would love to meet someone that fully thinks and believes the same things, at the same time, on the same level of honesty and belief as me. To be able to talk about it with integrity.
When those moments come up...
say something out loud.
Maybe its not about being with someone else, but doing something a little bit differently. Changing it up. But with no repercussion or judgment or pointed humiliation. Just two people who (in concept) really dig each other, and have the type of relationship that allows each of them every thing they need on every level.
Maybe, but that's just me, right?
And sometimes, people just get sick of each other - say that aloud too.
Monogamy...not for everyone, and not forever...sometimes.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Racism, USA Today, and the disappointing cycle of America
Today (Tuesday, November 16, 2010), I came across an article in USA Today which really pissed me off. At first glance I was irritated, but then I read the article again to try and understand why I was so agitated.
I have tried to STOP myself when I get pissed off and acknowledge what my knee jerk reaction is caused by, and effectively think it out.
The title of the article, in fact, is so offensive, I almost didn’t read the article itself, but realized in effect, I was ignoring the war, not another battle. “If young Black men don’t learn now, we’ll all pay later”, is the title of the less than informative article.
If the title weren’t offensive enough, the article goes on to depict a fast food experience the author had with a less than competent cashier, who happened to be Black.
Are fast food cashiers now the select echelon of society’s educated masses, and this poor Black chap happened upon this job by his equal opportunity status, quite unlike the rest of the Blacks in this country - lawyers, doctors, professors alike who happened upon their career paths as well by the gift affirmative action? Are Black men the sole worker bees amassing the up and coming entry level positions across the country regaining the speed and strength of our economically challenged country? Are other cashiers across the country, all races and ethnic backgrounds, who can’t count or read, excused from this article because the issue is, in fact, that Black uneducated men (as opposed to the uneducated masses of Americans who are being spit out of schools daily) are the problem?
As I re-read the article, I realized what was pissing me off was the “so subtle”, but still neck-hair raising, immediate stomach churning statement of racial hatred and stereotype, every minority has felt at least once in his/ her life.
This country stereotypes and perpetuates (through the media) fear of Black men. This article not only fed the monster, but based it’s concept on undisclosed facts and a single experience of the author in a subpar environment. The article, distributed nationwide in a publication I had respect for, until this morning, identified a group of Americans by skin color, and went on to discuss the potential downfall of an entire country by this race in a specified amount of time.
The percentage of Black men in this country isn’t growing at the rate of minorities. And every man with brown skin is not a Black American. Get it right America.
Here we are 2 years into the first glimpse of racial equality, which in effect was another gifted token by the culture of equality and supremacy (and celebrity), showcasing a Black, excuse me, bi-racial President of the US and USA Today is beginning the media infiltration and domination of the next political arena with its racist, taunting depiction of Blacks as a threat - Black man’s ignorance as the future of America. Next, we’ll see the media rise in Black on Black crime, then the rise in Domestic Gang warfare, which stereotypically depicts Black youth.
Sound familiar? We, as a country, are prolific in raising awareness when it suits a political agenda, and guess who wants in office next term? Or, should I say, who we want out of office?
I have traveled extensively. I know why other countries hate the concept of America and the petty, simple, racist, greedy, ignorant Americans who live here. I get it. I am still proud to be able to live by Amendments which created the Freedoms of this country. I am proud to be Black. I am proud to be a woman. I am a cross selection of everything that exists (good and bad) within the history of the U.S. And I will fight for it.
One of the most disturbing issues I had with this article is the fact that it was in the USA Today news section. This paper is in every airport, hotel and business traveler accessible arena across the country. The estimated daily reader count is 1.8 million readers[1].
This article is not only a virus spread faster than Fox News, or Entertainment Tonight, it is the death of education being transmitted like a trash rag to our supposedly educated, passport holding, upper class working America – the people that actually are out there in the world making a difference. Maybe I am not giving enough credit to the educated, who have the opportunity to read and discuss, to form their own opinion, but the fact is, a man with an opportunity to make a statement, and a difference, chose to instead propagate a stereotype. And it is sickening.
Black Americans are fully aware of the split in culture between, as Chris Rock so un-politically correctly stated, Black People and Niggers. Black people are educated and raise kids in four year colleges, with the value of education and strong work ethic, and financial security. Black people resemble the Huxtables, with the now reasonable goal of becoming President of the United States. Then there are Niggers, who write gangsta rap songs(and articles) about our culture, deal drugs, love their bitches and ho's, showcasing how ignorant the young, poor afflicted are, instead of raising up the culture with information and positivity…based on facts, not stereotypes; In fact, stealing from our own history and culture to keep a Black man a negative figurine in the eye of the majority and his neighbor. Whether a drug dealer or a “stereotype pusher”, niggers work the system, to help racists keep Blacks in their place.
Yeah I said it.
The views of this article are solely my opinion – perhaps Mr. Wickham would think about making a similar disclosure next time he writes an article based on one experience he had almost a decade ago.
Hey! DeWayne – the education issue we have in this country is hardly limited to black men. It’s an epidemic, and I deal with uneducated masses daily, with an average percentage of black men being less than 1% of my 3000 person per day customer base.
[1] The newspaper vies with The Wall Street Journal for the position of having the widest circulation of any newspaper in the United States, something it previously held since 2003. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the paper has 1.8 million copies as of March 2010[1] compared to the Wall Street Journal's 2.1 million though this figure includes the WSJ's 400,000 paid-for, online subscribers. USA Today remains the widest circulated print newspaper in the United States. USA Today is distributed in all fifty states, Canada, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the United Kingdom. Courtesy Wikipedia :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Express CheckOut
In the grocery store -the express lane usually has a limit or restriction attached to it.
*10 items or less
*cash only
In most retail businesses, an "express" offering includes more money.
FedEx offers Express service for an increased fee, as does the Postal Service.
As a country we are well aware of what the term Express means, and why we choose this service.
Yet, in every aspect of life, there are those, who want the service, but are "regular/ full service" customers.
Customers with a full basket of food in the grocery store, who want the shortest line.
YOU are not an express customer. You are a full service customer.
Customers who only have 2 items, but no cash.
Customers who find it necessary to write a check for $8.62 and then can't find their i.d. in their wallet.
At the airport, there is an Express bag check line, where passengers who have already printed their boarding pass at home, can whip through and scan the PRE-PRINTED pass and drop their bags. This line moves three times as fast as the full service line. Of course, everyone wants to be in this line. Passengers who have their shit together are in this line.
This line is not for passengers who have to show additional identification of any kind. If you require a secondary screening - this line is not for you. If you are on a special fare that has to be verified (senior/ youth/ military), this line is not for you. If you have lap children, who's ages need to be verified, this line is not for you. If you are checking a firearm and require additional information and an escort through security, this line is not for you. If you are changing your itinerary, this line is not for you. If you require a special pass to go through security but are not a ticketed passenger, this line is not for you.
The part that seems so overwhelming to me is, it's not that people don't understand, "bag scan", they just don't care. "This line is shorter, I want to be in it".
...No matter how long I hold up the express line for others...who have their shit together.
Even the passengers who have their pre-printed boarding pass out and ready to go some of them reach the front of the line and their bags are over weight. Instead of just paying for the bag or stepping aside so the line may continue on, they open the bags and start re-adjusting clothing and food, and water bottles, and all sorts of other crap right in the middle of the express service. I actually overheard a passenger say to another passenger, "do you know what the word express means" and I chuckled, because it's so much better coming from someone else who is on the same side of the turnstile.
People, just be thoughtful of your actions.
Selfish is something you can be at home in the comfort of your own environment with those who love and care about you. Not out in the real world.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mexican Drug Wars and American Vacations
This drug war has been going on for years now.
Each incident that happens seems to be surprising, yet the mass terror has been reported on every news station, in every news paper, internationally and domestically.
Why are we still vacationing in Mexico?
My sister wandered over the border a couple years ago, and I mentioned the drug wars. Upon her return, she talked about the border patrol trying to deter them from crossing over and mentioning the massive bloodshed and drug war going on.
I think a couple years ago, we were not clear on the severity of the cartels and the impact of the drug war. But, now we know. City after city - death after death, be-heading's, entire towns being killed - what is it going to take to get the message across that there are other vacation destinations in the world, even here in the States, without risking death in the crossfire of a major war?
There are lakes and beaches everywhere - are we as a country naive enough, or just so ignorant we won't stop traveling to a country that is having a border war comparable to any other war.
Are people also traveling to Afghanistan right now, for the sun and warmth?
Is it me?
Tragedy after tragedy, and all I can think is why as a country are we not making a political statement by protesting travel and imports/ exports to our neighbor until this madness ends?