Letting the world know what you want. Living in integrity of what you want. The power of thought.
We are surrounded by catch phrases that are meant to inspire people. The reality is, your life is out there if you want it. What you need is out there if you are honest about what you want and you follow the path that will take you there.
I have come across many people who are not successful and complain that they just don't have the tools that they need to be successful. I have come to realize that I cannot continue to coddle adults who are unable to attain their goals. One of the main commonalities I notice amongst people who are unhappy about where they are in their lives is, they don't put their desires out into the universe.
photo courtesy spiritualnow.com
People don't get what they want for a number of reasons but the most the most apparent is...They aren't honest about what they want and don't live in integrity of what they say they want.
-Maybe these aren't really their dreams - maybe the dreams belong to someone else.
-Maybe they don't want to hurt someone's feelings by telling them THIS is the path I want to pursue and what you want isn't necessarily what I want...anymore.
-Maybe they are on the path already and sabotage themselves because if they don't succeed they can fall back into their old habits which are comfortable.
-Maybe they are content being average, and that's OK.
-Maybe the path is scary and they aren't mature enough to see past their emotional attachment to what's on this side of the path instead of the possibility of what may be on the other side.
The Universe does a good job of keeping people in line.
"You get what you ask for."
"Be careful what you ask for, you may just get it."
These are little sayings that remind us to be careful in choosing our path and be focused once we are on it. Once you know what you want, make your choices count, because the sole person responsible for those choices is YOU.
I know what I want, but it took me forty years to have integrity in that and be proud about it, remembering, I don't have to live anyone else's life but my own. When I think in my head, "I got this", I mean it. Not that people can't have hurdles on their path. Not that everyone's path wasn't meant for them at that time. But, if you truly have connected with your hearts desire, and you have taken the steps towards meeting your goals, you should be committed to doing what it takes and finding your success.
Have ever been on a road you realized you weren't committed to, and changed your mind, but you were already halfway there; people were expecting you, and you had made obligations? Instead of just saying, I changed my mind, I made a wrong turn, I'd rather stay right here - instead you continue on, as if you are still committed, and the Universe takes over. The Universe hides your wallet, or your keys, or flats your tire - prevents you from going down the path you've decided was not truly the path you wanted. In the back of your mind, you think, "I didn't really want to go anyway", or on the opposite, you remember the goal - you jump at the best opportunity to get there. Therein lies your stamina for your goal. I almost didn't make it to my flight attendant interview, but through the tears, and pushes from others in the universe who knew how badly I wanted it, I figured out a way to get there. You lay the foundation and the Universe makes a path. Take it!
Have integrity in your decisions and honor yourself first.
Once I had kids it was easier to do this because I had their paths to think about too - and still do. My path directly affects their path. When I was single, I didn't worry about my path because I could change it whenever I wanted to - no harm, no foul. My single friends still have this option, sometimes forgetting that my decisions are still family based. I'm not taking a path I haven't thought over and over to plan for the future of my kids. And I'm not going to let anyone else make decisions for me that will affect my, or their path.
Every step I take...every move I make...is long thought out and I've got my eye on the Universe and how she takes care of me.