Our company, like most companies in the country give kudos for high performers and/ or outstanding service. My company also has a peer kudos program where you can nominate your peers for, "the above and beyond" services that you witness or receive. The last corporate office I worked for also had a program similar to this, which was well received by most associates. I think there should be awards for some airline passengers (and an eject button for others).
I flew home a few days ago after a month of intense and exhausting mental training. I was tired to say the least. When I got to the airport, all the flights which had seats only hours prior, were now full. I started the non-rev shuffle from gate to gate trying to get on any flight out of Texas.
I finally found a flight leaving immediately, which would connect to a full flight I couldn't get on at that point of the day, but would have seats once it dumped people where I was headed on the earlier flight. Long story short, I took an extra leg, earlier, so I could jump on later and eventually end up at home.
My plan worked and I got on a flight that had plenty of open seats, just later than I anticipated. I was still tired. I chose a seat near the rear and comfy'ed myself in for the trip back home. Shortly after takeoff, I awoke to my seat being jolted. I rearranged myself and closed my eyes again. Two minutes later, a continuous kicking of my chair followed by a pounding on the tray table attached to my chair. I peeked around the seat to see a small child kicking my chair and his dad simply watching. Watching his evil spawn kick my chair over and over again.
I excused myself from my row and went to the back of the plane and stood from the rest of the flight. I was so tired I couldn't care about this Satanic child keeping me awake, or his inconsiderate breeder. I would rather stand for 90 minutes, keeping my composure and looking forward to sleep once I got home.
While I stood in the back, I noticed a young dad, full sleeve tat's, with the sweetest little girl (about the same age as the son of Lucifer from my seat) sitting a couple rows from the back of the aircraft. I watched as this little girl wiggled, and dad scooped her up, put her on his lap and helped her get comfortable. She was polite and quiet and they were ideal guests.
I wondered how this kid( guy in his 20's is now a kid to me) had such a cool, peaceful, well behaved toddler, while a grown ass man in business casual attire couldn't keep his monster in line, nor had any desire to do so.
I could not give a formal kudos to the man and his child in the back, as I also couldn't give a swat to the rear of the kid behind my seat - OH, I forgot to mention, when the plane started it's descent and I was forced to take my seat again, the monster behind me gave me a razzberry as I sat back down. Satan, I tell you.
But, what I could do instead of harboring hate for a child, was reward the sweet child with some snacks I had in my bag. I waited for the young dad and his sweet girl to exit the plane and offered them my cuties and a huge cookie left over from my lunch, still in the package. They were so grateful, because they still had another flight, from Denver, on to Boise.
One more of life's moments when a negative situation can consume you if you don't look for the high road. I can't explain how much better it made me feel to smile at a child and hand over a cookie, than to stew behind clenched teeth at the rest of the inconsiderate world.
So much better.