Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ska, hip hop and cute boys
Just a note to self: never forget how much you love music and boys who speak to you through music.
It's beautiful.
Music, sweet music
It's beautiful.
Music, sweet music
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Checking out the cover of the March issue of Vogue, which features our First Lady Michelle Obama, made me so proud to see what this election year is doing across the board for people of color, and women in our country. Politics and fashion go hand in hand - sounds crazy, but look at the trends.
But to see not only a beautiful brown face, but a body that isn't a stick figure, on the cover of Vogue is wonderful.
Even though the average size of American women is a 12, we never see that on the cover of the iconic fashion magazines. Michelle Obama is thin compared to most of America but you wouldn't know it from the historically famous models who always grace the covers.
This cover reminds me of the poem by Maya Angelou:
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Maya Angelou
So, to all the Phenomenal Women in my life, WE are represented on the cover of next month's Vogue magazine.
But to see not only a beautiful brown face, but a body that isn't a stick figure, on the cover of Vogue is wonderful.
Even though the average size of American women is a 12, we never see that on the cover of the iconic fashion magazines. Michelle Obama is thin compared to most of America but you wouldn't know it from the historically famous models who always grace the covers.
This cover reminds me of the poem by Maya Angelou:
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Maya Angelou
So, to all the Phenomenal Women in my life, WE are represented on the cover of next month's Vogue magazine.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Romantic comedy moment in time
I love romantic comedies...almost as much as I love thrillers. I think there is a direct correlation between the suspense in a romantic comedy and the tension buildup in an action thriller. Will the two lovers cross paths? Will the confusion and insecurities of the lovers turn into an actual relationship? Movies like Serendipity, 27 Dresses and The Wedding Date where everyone can see clearly the attraction between the main characters, but know there will be so much bumbling and chaos, that they may never end up together. In European versions, there is usually death and insanity over a happy ending. I prefer these endings because they are real, but American romance films capture my heart because I want to believe in hope.
This weekend I witnessed a moment so powerful it made me believe in the possibility of love out there for me.
While out on the town with my friends, after all the dancing was done and the entire nightclub emptyed out into the night, I saw a boy lean in and kiss a girl. It was so sweet and pure like fresh snow lightly falling on the grass. At the moment I believe everyone within a 25 foot radius to the couple began to get sucked into the kiss, it was abruptly interrupted by another girl. "What are you doing", she shouted. "Ruh roh", I thought. This must be his girlfriend. It wasn't. I didn't hear the entire conversation (because it really wasn't any of my business, but I couldn't help overhear portions). Apparently she was a friend of his and looking out for his best interest.
I walked with my friends into the parking lot, a little enamored by what I had seen. I turned and I watched the boy and the girl walk different directions. I saw the boy talking with his friends and pacing around their car. I saw the girl look back at him once and then regain pace with her friends. Then I noticed the most beautiful, amazing romantic comedy moment (which in my mind never happens in real life). The boy ran from his friends, and the car, ran across the parking lot towards the girl, who at this point had turned around and just stopped in her tracks.. And in true romantic film genre, he picked her up and kissed her hard. It was moving and almost unbelievable. Guys don't do this in real life. Do they? Not guys I know. It was precious and sweet and so passionate it got caught in my throat. I stood there caught up in their moment, and as in any romantic comedy, something really funny happened at the same time; with a girl...on the heels.
And the snow fell.
This weekend I witnessed a moment so powerful it made me believe in the possibility of love out there for me.
While out on the town with my friends, after all the dancing was done and the entire nightclub emptyed out into the night, I saw a boy lean in and kiss a girl. It was so sweet and pure like fresh snow lightly falling on the grass. At the moment I believe everyone within a 25 foot radius to the couple began to get sucked into the kiss, it was abruptly interrupted by another girl. "What are you doing", she shouted. "Ruh roh", I thought. This must be his girlfriend. It wasn't. I didn't hear the entire conversation (because it really wasn't any of my business, but I couldn't help overhear portions). Apparently she was a friend of his and looking out for his best interest.
I walked with my friends into the parking lot, a little enamored by what I had seen. I turned and I watched the boy and the girl walk different directions. I saw the boy talking with his friends and pacing around their car. I saw the girl look back at him once and then regain pace with her friends. Then I noticed the most beautiful, amazing romantic comedy moment (which in my mind never happens in real life). The boy ran from his friends, and the car, ran across the parking lot towards the girl, who at this point had turned around and just stopped in her tracks.. And in true romantic film genre, he picked her up and kissed her hard. It was moving and almost unbelievable. Guys don't do this in real life. Do they? Not guys I know. It was precious and sweet and so passionate it got caught in my throat. I stood there caught up in their moment, and as in any romantic comedy, something really funny happened at the same time; with a girl...on the heels.
And the snow fell.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Passing it down

I am having my best girls over tonight for Happy Hour. I do this about once a month 'cause I just love having my girls over. We drink wine and eat snacks and just laugh. It's one of the best feelings in the world. Laughing that is.
This is something I hope to pass down to my daughter, both my kids - how to simplify the hub bub of life with dinner and drinks and good friends.
While prep'ing snacks for the girls, I realized my son probably wouldn't want brie cheese and/ or hummous tonight and he had pizza last night so what should I make for him? Then I remembered...he asked for pan-a-cakes. That's what he calls them Pana-cakes. I thought, if I can have my wine on Friday night, why can't he have panakes? He can.
As I pulled out the ripened bananas I had a flood of memories wash over me.
I learned how to make banana pancakes from my Grandma Alice - Alice Smart. A Doctor of History. The first Black woman to receive a doctorate from Washington University, St Louis. This brilliant woman loved showing me stuff. Just random stuff that I totally took for granted as a small child.
My father's mother lived on Windermere Place. I will never forget this because I spent so many years there - exploring the house, wandering the neighborhood, going to block parties. Block parties - whatever happened to block parties? Windermere Place was a fantastic block in a wonderfully magical neighborhood. We had neighbors who were all respected and affluent members of the St Louis community. Hell, right next door was Chuck Berry and his family. This wasn't cool or special because he was the rock and roll legend, but because he and his wife called my Grandma, "Big Mama". All the neighbors did. She had a reputation, not as Dr. Smart (as was also my grandfather, but a medical Dr), but as Big Mama - the neighbor who cooked and had social events and was a "Marm" of the neighborhood.
Of course this was all lost on me as a child.
As a child I thought ripened bananas were gross. What kind of nutjob puts old bananas into perfectly good pan-a-cake mix? But, I always ate them. Then one day as an adult - my bananas ripened, and something inside told me to put them in the freezer. So, I did. Then one day the same feeling inside made me take out those bananas and repeat the process my grandmother had shown me so many times. My kids loved them. Delicious - somewhat foreign concept of breakfast, but so good and it didn't occur to me until today that I was passing it down.
Big Mama taught me to travel, she taught me to speak perfect English, she told me to go to college in Boston (long before she died), she taught me to be a writer, she molded my path in so many ways and I wonder if she knows how much I love banana pancakes right now.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Open Letter to CNN - HLN
After watching numerous comments on Headline News this morning regarding Attorney Generl Eric Holder's remarks regarding coward Americans on the topic of racism, I finally had to email my comments, as I feel "my voice" was not heard.
I positively agree with Atty General Holder's comments. American people have been forced to integrate with other races as a direct result of the laws imposed to ensure equality. Fear and hatred of change have been the sustenance of many Americans for hundreds of years. The reason Americans do not want to talk about the "hard topics" is because people hate to hear the truth. Ideally, we all want to give the impression of "good people" with "good intentions" but the reality is our country suffered hardships and injustices, and to move forward we must acknowledge this. No one wants to hear that. Holder's provacative comments inspire honest conversation amongst intelligent people.
End email
I heard everyone "for" the open conversation of race topics, but I also heard automatic defense mechanisms in their conversation. No one wants to get past the difficult issues to get through to each other. Bottom line: You cannot understand who I am if you don't understand my history. And just because you read something in a book doesn't mean it's mine. We all have history to share. We all have culture to share. We all have a story to tell. Why not try listening to each other for a minute?
Those who spoke against "opening the wound" of racism via the vehicle of free speech just confuses me. Who doesn't want the opportunity to know their neighbor better? To understand their own diverse American culture better? To possible rectify through understanding the miscommunication and stereotypes that have plagued this country for far too long?
I positively agree with Atty General Holder's comments. American people have been forced to integrate with other races as a direct result of the laws imposed to ensure equality. Fear and hatred of change have been the sustenance of many Americans for hundreds of years. The reason Americans do not want to talk about the "hard topics" is because people hate to hear the truth. Ideally, we all want to give the impression of "good people" with "good intentions" but the reality is our country suffered hardships and injustices, and to move forward we must acknowledge this. No one wants to hear that. Holder's provacative comments inspire honest conversation amongst intelligent people.
End email
I heard everyone "for" the open conversation of race topics, but I also heard automatic defense mechanisms in their conversation. No one wants to get past the difficult issues to get through to each other. Bottom line: You cannot understand who I am if you don't understand my history. And just because you read something in a book doesn't mean it's mine. We all have history to share. We all have culture to share. We all have a story to tell. Why not try listening to each other for a minute?
Those who spoke against "opening the wound" of racism via the vehicle of free speech just confuses me. Who doesn't want the opportunity to know their neighbor better? To understand their own diverse American culture better? To possible rectify through understanding the miscommunication and stereotypes that have plagued this country for far too long?
Interviews vs Auditions
I have an interview for a job today. This is the first corporate job interview I have gone on in, I don't know, 6 to 8 years. In those years I have worked as a flight attendant as well as a design consultant for a small firm of 3.
I haven't been in a corporate environment since I was pregnant with my son. He's almost 8. Needless to say, jumping back into the saddle is a bit nervewracking and somewhat confusing.
I have been a print and commercial model for the last 20-some odd years as well. During this time I have been used to going on auditions, go-sees, cattle calls, so to speak. This I am used to. You take your book and/or card, you slate your name, you let them take a polaroid, you turn around, you walk out. There are usually 10-150 other people in line to do the same thing, for that one print job. 20% of the time, I get the callback. Nice! The other 80% of the time, I leave knowing, it just wasn't my day. No big deal.
When I was called for this interview today, I was told, "This is a preliminary interview - just the 'first' in the interview process". I was slotted at 4:35p. Hmmm Sounds quite a bit like an audition. 5-10 minutes to be seen, and in that brief time determined if I am viable material for the available position. I don't know what I could say in 5 minutes to determine my qualifications for this position, but it occurs to me that in 5 minutes I hope I at least look the part to get the callback.
I haven't been in a corporate environment since I was pregnant with my son. He's almost 8. Needless to say, jumping back into the saddle is a bit nervewracking and somewhat confusing.
I have been a print and commercial model for the last 20-some odd years as well. During this time I have been used to going on auditions, go-sees, cattle calls, so to speak. This I am used to. You take your book and/or card, you slate your name, you let them take a polaroid, you turn around, you walk out. There are usually 10-150 other people in line to do the same thing, for that one print job. 20% of the time, I get the callback. Nice! The other 80% of the time, I leave knowing, it just wasn't my day. No big deal.
When I was called for this interview today, I was told, "This is a preliminary interview - just the 'first' in the interview process". I was slotted at 4:35p. Hmmm Sounds quite a bit like an audition. 5-10 minutes to be seen, and in that brief time determined if I am viable material for the available position. I don't know what I could say in 5 minutes to determine my qualifications for this position, but it occurs to me that in 5 minutes I hope I at least look the part to get the callback.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lisa Lampanelli
Last night, I was whipping through the 300 channels of cable TV available to me and was disappointed to see that every episode of CSI that was being re-run - I had seen already. There was nothing on the boob tube that I wanted to watch. Nothing. Mind you I have been sick and in bed for 2 days, so there is nothing new that I haven't watched "on-demand" anyway.
Then Lo and Behold, HBO to the rescue - I see something new. A Comedy Special - YES! Sweet!
Lisa Lampanelli, whose work I solely know from the Pam Anderson and Flava Flav roasts. Being a big fan of roasts - in the short snippets of TV time I have seen her, I thought she was pretty funny.
All her jokes about screwing Black guys, and her own fat ass. Lampanelli, in the past, seemed pretty edgy and witty.
Last night, different story.
All her Jew boy, faggot, and Black jokes were not funny. She even went on a tangent about white bitches who don't know how to raise their kids. Just Not Funny. I am actually surprised the audience sat there through this purely racist, awful standup routine that in sheer honesty, was boring and trite. Yeah, there was one joke about gun totin' Palin with her 5 kids, "What does she think she's Black - 3 words for her, Close Your Legs". OK, that was funny. Then she immediately went on to talk about Palin's "retard" kid. This is when I fell off.
I have been to many live standup comedy shows. I love comedians that can laugh at themselves. I love being able to laugh at ridiculous stereotypes. There were many things that could have been funny, but just weren't, and then she fell into the old standby of calling Andy Dick a Fag. Is this still funny? I mean really?
So picture me, just like Nana (in the Youtube video), just shaking my head wondering...WTF?
Then Lo and Behold, HBO to the rescue - I see something new. A Comedy Special - YES! Sweet!
Lisa Lampanelli, whose work I solely know from the Pam Anderson and Flava Flav roasts. Being a big fan of roasts - in the short snippets of TV time I have seen her, I thought she was pretty funny.
All her jokes about screwing Black guys, and her own fat ass. Lampanelli, in the past, seemed pretty edgy and witty.
Last night, different story.
All her Jew boy, faggot, and Black jokes were not funny. She even went on a tangent about white bitches who don't know how to raise their kids. Just Not Funny. I am actually surprised the audience sat there through this purely racist, awful standup routine that in sheer honesty, was boring and trite. Yeah, there was one joke about gun totin' Palin with her 5 kids, "What does she think she's Black - 3 words for her, Close Your Legs". OK, that was funny. Then she immediately went on to talk about Palin's "retard" kid. This is when I fell off.
I have been to many live standup comedy shows. I love comedians that can laugh at themselves. I love being able to laugh at ridiculous stereotypes. There were many things that could have been funny, but just weren't, and then she fell into the old standby of calling Andy Dick a Fag. Is this still funny? I mean really?
So picture me, just like Nana (in the Youtube video), just shaking my head wondering...WTF?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Music makes me Smile
Just bringing blip back to the forefront so my readers may enjoy some tunes :D
One more song I love.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Boys on Wheels...honing the photg skills
Find more photos like this on Mile High Photographers
BTW, that's my boy in the red helmet...rock star!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Valentines Day...really?
Who came up with this? Not my holiday of choice - actually not a holiday at all.
I hate to be a cynic - actually I love being a cynic, but some things just bug me.
I have a poem:
Valentines Day
Once a year
or so I hear
from the marketing companies around the world
Buy her a rose
hope for sexy hose
or garters and whips if you're lucky
She'll shine her hair
show her you care
jewelry works, or dinner and dancing at the Ritz
or just be glad
you're not sad
like some of the chicks at the Mall
I hate to be a cynic - actually I love being a cynic, but some things just bug me.
I have a poem:
Valentines Day
Once a year
or so I hear
from the marketing companies around the world
Buy her a rose
hope for sexy hose
or garters and whips if you're lucky
She'll shine her hair
show her you care
jewelry works, or dinner and dancing at the Ritz
or just be glad
you're not sad
like some of the chicks at the Mall
Monday, February 9, 2009
Concept of Sexy
I had the privilege of shooting a project for my close friends today. When I originally accepted the offer, I didn't really think much of it. It was a favor for a friend. No questions asked as far as I was concerned. Later, I received more information about the project and thought "that's cool", but still didn't really wrap my head around it.
I didn't really "get" how awesome this project was until I saw the initial shots of myself after the afternoon of shooting was completed. 1 day of being the center of attention for 15 photographers.
Generally, that is not what a day of print work looks like for me. Usually there is one photographer and the client. They have a strict agenda and a series of shots which need to be attained for one specific ad campaign. The client dictates what shots are to be taken and the photographer does his/ her best to attain those shots. I try to listen to what they need and give "the look" they need. It's not difficult. In fact it's easy and fun.
This event today was so different because the photographers were in a learning environment and could creatively decide what the best way to produce their art form via all the elements they had available to them, including me. Also great about today is that I didn't have to determine what "look" to give. It was their creative synapses which initiated what I should do, how I should move and how to love the camera, so to speak. Creativity is always fun. I got to play.
My play time translated into beautiful shots interpreted by 15 different sets of eyes.
Which translated into so many great opportunites for a beautiful product.
I realized today what an amazing opportunity I stepped into. I would never think of myself deserving of such a great gift to myself. At age 40 I don't look in the mirror and think "you sexy thing you, go capture this age with some sexy Boudoir photos". I see myself as a mom, and a friend; as a writer and student of life. This was the sweetest moment to get to see myself through the many eyes of talented photographers who decided to make me look fabulous and real, in photos I will treasure as a moment of my life I almost overlooked because it swept by so fast.
I didn't really "get" how awesome this project was until I saw the initial shots of myself after the afternoon of shooting was completed. 1 day of being the center of attention for 15 photographers.
Generally, that is not what a day of print work looks like for me. Usually there is one photographer and the client. They have a strict agenda and a series of shots which need to be attained for one specific ad campaign. The client dictates what shots are to be taken and the photographer does his/ her best to attain those shots. I try to listen to what they need and give "the look" they need. It's not difficult. In fact it's easy and fun.
This event today was so different because the photographers were in a learning environment and could creatively decide what the best way to produce their art form via all the elements they had available to them, including me. Also great about today is that I didn't have to determine what "look" to give. It was their creative synapses which initiated what I should do, how I should move and how to love the camera, so to speak. Creativity is always fun. I got to play.
My play time translated into beautiful shots interpreted by 15 different sets of eyes.
Which translated into so many great opportunites for a beautiful product.

I realized today what an amazing opportunity I stepped into. I would never think of myself deserving of such a great gift to myself. At age 40 I don't look in the mirror and think "you sexy thing you, go capture this age with some sexy Boudoir photos". I see myself as a mom, and a friend; as a writer and student of life. This was the sweetest moment to get to see myself through the many eyes of talented photographers who decided to make me look fabulous and real, in photos I will treasure as a moment of my life I almost overlooked because it swept by so fast.
The concept of sexy almost lost on Mom.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Toxicity and the Law of Relativity
Toxic: adjective
of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison; "suffering from exposure to toxic substances" (via
I have come to the realization in life that everyone is not pre-disposed to functioning at the same level of maturity, relationship, communication skills or pleasantness. This may seem simple, but when choosing friends it is not apparent in matching qualities of like- persons until issues surface. All relationships have issues. What I have found makes or breaks relationships is the way issues are handled, and the resulting growth or breakdown of said relationship.
I have known for 30 years or so that toxic people are not healthy and do not make for fruitful relationships. What defines toxicity? The actual level of toxic behavior (metaphorically) in relationship which causes one to feel poisoned or overexposed to deadly substances. This is where the theory of relativity enters.
A Special Theory of Relativity, was published in 1905 and it overthrew common sense perceptions and interpretations of space and time. The theory states that relative to the observer, both space and time are altered near the speed of light -- distances appear to stretch and clocks tick more slowly. (via
Enter personal research: Space and time are relative to who is living in the time at each precise moment. ie A group of friends goes out together for drinks. Friend A drinks at a rate of 1 cocktail per 20 minutes. Friend B drinks at a rate of 2 cocktails per hour, and Friend C chooses not to drink as they have been labeled designated driver.
Hour 1: All 3 Friends enter the atmosphere at the same relative rate of exposure. All friends speak at the same level. All friends have similar levels of competancy and comprehension.
Hour 2: Friend 1 has slowed at a rate = to their consumption of alcohol. Friends 1's speech is a bit slower, induced by random bouts of laughter. Friend 2's comprehension level is lagging and physical funtions are heightened. Friend 3 remains at the same level of competancy as in hour 1.
Hour 3: Friend 1 has reached a somewhat deluded p.o.v. and comprehension skills are below average at best. Friend 2 has a delayed sense of space and time, really having no concept of space or time or the fact that Friend 3 is agitated as Friend 3 is at the same level of competancy as in Hour 1, and functionally now all 3 Friends are at differing levels of Relative space and time for the purposes of this experiment.
For all intense purposes Friend 1 has a high level of toxicity imposed by the amount of alcohol directly consumed and is unaware of his relative interpersonal relationship with Friend 2 and Friend 3 because Friend 1 oblivious to the rest of the world.
Friend 2 has a lower level of toxicity based on direct consumption of alcohol, but a higher level of toxicity as a direct result of the relationship between Friend 1 and Friend 3 which has escalated due to the now heightened level of toxicity Friend 3 is experiencing directly resulting from the actions and extreme levels of alcohol toxcity of Friend 1.
Here's the catch: All three Friends have no perception or understanding of each of the other's experience as they are only functionally aware of their own experience. Yet, out of their own self-absorbtion, relative to human nature, each feels the innate need to judge and label each Friends behaviors (outside of their own) and heightened by their levels of toxicity.
Moral of the story: Before judging the toxicity around you, perhaps look at your own inner toxicity and determine the rate of exposure to those around you.
of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison; "suffering from exposure to toxic substances" (via
I have come to the realization in life that everyone is not pre-disposed to functioning at the same level of maturity, relationship, communication skills or pleasantness. This may seem simple, but when choosing friends it is not apparent in matching qualities of like- persons until issues surface. All relationships have issues. What I have found makes or breaks relationships is the way issues are handled, and the resulting growth or breakdown of said relationship.
I have known for 30 years or so that toxic people are not healthy and do not make for fruitful relationships. What defines toxicity? The actual level of toxic behavior (metaphorically) in relationship which causes one to feel poisoned or overexposed to deadly substances. This is where the theory of relativity enters.
A Special Theory of Relativity, was published in 1905 and it overthrew common sense perceptions and interpretations of space and time. The theory states that relative to the observer, both space and time are altered near the speed of light -- distances appear to stretch and clocks tick more slowly. (via
Enter personal research: Space and time are relative to who is living in the time at each precise moment. ie A group of friends goes out together for drinks. Friend A drinks at a rate of 1 cocktail per 20 minutes. Friend B drinks at a rate of 2 cocktails per hour, and Friend C chooses not to drink as they have been labeled designated driver.
Hour 1: All 3 Friends enter the atmosphere at the same relative rate of exposure. All friends speak at the same level. All friends have similar levels of competancy and comprehension.
Hour 2: Friend 1 has slowed at a rate = to their consumption of alcohol. Friends 1's speech is a bit slower, induced by random bouts of laughter. Friend 2's comprehension level is lagging and physical funtions are heightened. Friend 3 remains at the same level of competancy as in hour 1.
Hour 3: Friend 1 has reached a somewhat deluded p.o.v. and comprehension skills are below average at best. Friend 2 has a delayed sense of space and time, really having no concept of space or time or the fact that Friend 3 is agitated as Friend 3 is at the same level of competancy as in Hour 1, and functionally now all 3 Friends are at differing levels of Relative space and time for the purposes of this experiment.
For all intense purposes Friend 1 has a high level of toxicity imposed by the amount of alcohol directly consumed and is unaware of his relative interpersonal relationship with Friend 2 and Friend 3 because Friend 1 oblivious to the rest of the world.
Friend 2 has a lower level of toxicity based on direct consumption of alcohol, but a higher level of toxicity as a direct result of the relationship between Friend 1 and Friend 3 which has escalated due to the now heightened level of toxicity Friend 3 is experiencing directly resulting from the actions and extreme levels of alcohol toxcity of Friend 1.
Here's the catch: All three Friends have no perception or understanding of each of the other's experience as they are only functionally aware of their own experience. Yet, out of their own self-absorbtion, relative to human nature, each feels the innate need to judge and label each Friends behaviors (outside of their own) and heightened by their levels of toxicity.
Moral of the story: Before judging the toxicity around you, perhaps look at your own inner toxicity and determine the rate of exposure to those around you.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Something about Fridays
Let's preface this with Friday the movie, albeit funny, is not the kind of Friday I'm talking about.
I think I always look forward to Friday because it's been set in our standard of living that Friday is when the happy-go-lucky value of life is granted.
TGIF...the weekend...people in America generally can't wait for Friday.
I love when everyone else is happy.
I realized a few years ago that I didn't like to work on Fridays at all. I always found a way to take Fridays off, until I realized I needed to find a career that had Fridays off. Plain and simple - Friday is my day. I love to walk around in my sweats and thick socks in the early morning, by myself, while it's quiet. I make extra time to write. I can run errands in the early morning while most people are at work. I can grab a coffee after the main rush has disappeared. I get my hair done on Fridays. I get pedicures on Fridays. I lunch with my girlfriends on Fridays. I workout in an empty gym because no one wants to go to the gym...It's Friday!
Happy Hour is always happier on Fridays.
I don't know what it is, but "Yeaaa, it's Friday!"
I think I always look forward to Friday because it's been set in our standard of living that Friday is when the happy-go-lucky value of life is granted.
TGIF...the weekend...people in America generally can't wait for Friday.
I love when everyone else is happy.
I realized a few years ago that I didn't like to work on Fridays at all. I always found a way to take Fridays off, until I realized I needed to find a career that had Fridays off. Plain and simple - Friday is my day. I love to walk around in my sweats and thick socks in the early morning, by myself, while it's quiet. I make extra time to write. I can run errands in the early morning while most people are at work. I can grab a coffee after the main rush has disappeared. I get my hair done on Fridays. I get pedicures on Fridays. I lunch with my girlfriends on Fridays. I workout in an empty gym because no one wants to go to the gym...It's Friday!
Happy Hour is always happier on Fridays.
I don't know what it is, but "Yeaaa, it's Friday!"
Monday, February 2, 2009
Not even college was this challenging
We are looking at high schools for my daughter and so many things have come into the selection process which we had no idea had relevance in our choice. The IB (International Baccalaurate) program was our first choice, with a secondary choice at a strong school with a recognized AP (Advanced Placement) program. Out final choice was/ is our home school which also has a strong AP program, but is small in size, and the social and athletic programs aren't as well received.
We visited each school, attended orientations, and Maddi visited each school herself. All schools had great environments and pushed their programs with enthusiasm. My daughter thought through each choice and made her personal selection based on her social life and the fun times she thought were soon to come. My ex-husband and I made our choices based on academia and the potential for her future collegiate success. Needless to say we did not choose the same school. My daughter chose school number 2, with the parental units choosing school number 1. With no votes for number 3, that was an easy vote off the island.
Each school has it's pros and cons outside of the academic environment(s) as well.
School number 1 is in an urban environment and their traditional academic program is marginal. The students in this Traditional program are not college bound and the program lends itself to stragglers trying to stay out of our court system as teens. TAP seems to be segregated from the IB program, which I still have not determined to be a good thing or not.
School number 2, I understand has a high rate of sexual indiscretions, pregnancy teen rate and sexual experimentation (with opposite and same sex). Like I don't have enough to worry about.
We have a month to decide and recently met with her current teachers to factor in their choices for each of the two finalists based on their recommendations and expertise of her potential for success as a student. They have led us to believe our choice for school number 1 is right on target, but agreed many students succeed in both environments, so we shouldn't discount school number 2 either.
...and this isn't even college.
We visited each school, attended orientations, and Maddi visited each school herself. All schools had great environments and pushed their programs with enthusiasm. My daughter thought through each choice and made her personal selection based on her social life and the fun times she thought were soon to come. My ex-husband and I made our choices based on academia and the potential for her future collegiate success. Needless to say we did not choose the same school. My daughter chose school number 2, with the parental units choosing school number 1. With no votes for number 3, that was an easy vote off the island.
Each school has it's pros and cons outside of the academic environment(s) as well.
School number 1 is in an urban environment and their traditional academic program is marginal. The students in this Traditional program are not college bound and the program lends itself to stragglers trying to stay out of our court system as teens. TAP seems to be segregated from the IB program, which I still have not determined to be a good thing or not.
School number 2, I understand has a high rate of sexual indiscretions, pregnancy teen rate and sexual experimentation (with opposite and same sex). Like I don't have enough to worry about.
We have a month to decide and recently met with her current teachers to factor in their choices for each of the two finalists based on their recommendations and expertise of her potential for success as a student. They have led us to believe our choice for school number 1 is right on target, but agreed many students succeed in both environments, so we shouldn't discount school number 2 either.
...and this isn't even college.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Kids and Technology
Yesterday my son and I were hanging at home basically waiting for a playdate to come through, and he decided that he wanted to make an avatar. He has seen them on yahoo via my daughter's email account, so we sat down and made an email account for him so he could play with the characters.
It also occurred to me that it was a great way for him to communicate with his dad and his grandparents. Sweet...two birds, one stone. So we deliberated over his email addie. His sister's is a cute version of "Rock Star Soccer Girl", so he understood the concept was to describe himself, and using his name was far too boring. His first couple choices were taken and he was starting to get frustrated, when we combined our city, his favorite activity and his age. Bingo. He was very pleased.
I showed him how to add an address to his "contacts". I showed him how to send an email. I showed him the cool backgrounds, and how to change the subject line. Within an hour I was receiving emails, with the subject line "freechat" that simply said, "I love you" in the body. Two hours later I heard him laughing and laughing in the office and shortly thereafter received an email with "monkey talk" in the subject line that had a beautiful sunset in the background, which read "Ooh oh Aahh ah, I am a monkey. Keep it a secret. Sshhh. "
My son has jokes.
Now I'll have to learn how to set the parental controls on my pc. It's only a matter of time :)
It also occurred to me that it was a great way for him to communicate with his dad and his grandparents. Sweet...two birds, one stone. So we deliberated over his email addie. His sister's is a cute version of "Rock Star Soccer Girl", so he understood the concept was to describe himself, and using his name was far too boring. His first couple choices were taken and he was starting to get frustrated, when we combined our city, his favorite activity and his age. Bingo. He was very pleased.
I showed him how to add an address to his "contacts". I showed him how to send an email. I showed him the cool backgrounds, and how to change the subject line. Within an hour I was receiving emails, with the subject line "freechat" that simply said, "I love you" in the body. Two hours later I heard him laughing and laughing in the office and shortly thereafter received an email with "monkey talk" in the subject line that had a beautiful sunset in the background, which read "Ooh oh Aahh ah, I am a monkey. Keep it a secret. Sshhh. "
My son has jokes.
Now I'll have to learn how to set the parental controls on my pc. It's only a matter of time :)
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