Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Chivalry is not dead, it's just not required anymore.
This statement by Steve Harvey, comedian, now apparently relationship expert. As much as I agree with this statement, it occured to me, what makes him an expert, and worthy of a spot on Oprah? He wrote a book.
There were a lot of nuggets of information, but nothing that hasn't been said before. He is funny. I give him that. He is married and successful at it. I give him that. But, what does this change?
They talked about having a list. I have a list.
Steve talked about real men - I know about real men, I ranted on this topic last week. Did he say where to find any real men? Did he even acknowledge that they aren't unicorns?
Dating has become like shopping to me. I've done it before. I hate the mall. Catalogs don't always give you the right size or color. It's expensive. So, I don't do it if I don't have to.
To think that every time I go to the mall, I can't find parking, I'm surrounded by pretentious, self absorbed, shop-aholics, I can rarely (if ever) find what I'm looking for, and the mall is usually closing soon, no matter what time I arrive.
At least with dating there is usually food involved.
Snacks tend to make things better.
Back to chivalry - Steve Harvey said some of the same things that I said, we don't require that men treat us with respect, as a generation. I don't know when this happened, but the whole concept of "hanging out" has ruined dating for women who respect themselves. When did we let men off the hook? Stop requiring a man to ask us politely what we need, or want?
Pulling out a chair or opening a door isn't like asking to get married - it's just common courtesy.

When did we stop requiring common courtesy's of each other?

1 comment:

  1. This comment from my fellow BU alum D.P.

    Sherri Bomb...and I do mean Bomb. Chivalry is in intensive care in a coma, yet not dead. It was subject to the multiple car pile up called hanging out. When we hang out together a lot and watch sports, drink and curse at others and eachother, we are flying through the windshield of what used to keep us separated. When the allure of a woman is lost, so goes chivarly. Test this...when going out, see if the man will open your car door for you, walk on the outside of you if walking down a street, open a door, pull out a seat, allow you to order your meal before he does. If he can treat you like royalty and it doesn't stop there...
