I played a game this weekend called "Apples to Apples". I had no idea how to play it, had never even heard of it before, yet after this game, I knew this game was to be a staple in my household. It's funny and inventive - the premise being a verb or adjective is pulled from a stack of cards and each player, who is holding 7 nouns at all times, must place the noun they feel best fits the verb (or adjective) in a pile. The player whose turn it is then decides which noun best fits the verb (or adjective).
Now there are some very funny ways this could go down, some very silly combinations, and some just plain sick.
I have been in the process of interviewing for numerous jobs lately, and this has weighed heavily on my mind. During the game, the verb "forgettable" came up and I immediately remembered I had the noun combo "job interview" in my hand. I giggled at first, then I became sullen as I realized how many interviews I had been on already and how many were, in fact, already forgotten.
Urgh, then I wondered if any of these people ever thought about me again after I walked out that door.
I won that hand.
No one forgets you my friend...