My Hot-Lanta Correspondant via Facebook alerted me to this media story this morning and I will start by saying how disgusted I am. Everytime I see a video of a violent incident being encouraged by a weak, mindless, herd makes me sick.
This type of mob mentality - this pure ignorance is still rampant in every state. No exceptions. America has a history of hatred, built on the foundation of racial inequality and bias (based on our differences). Our country has exploded into a chasm of violence and spontaneous outbursts with no feeling or remorse.
Nature v Nurture?
This has always been the question scientists pose regarding our state of welfare. Why do kids act the way they do? Why do certain races behave in the manner they do? Men, women, and the social breakdown goes on. My question to science is, does it really matter? In theory, the purpose of breaking down the reasons why, is to find a solution, but hundreds of years later, and many theories later, there is still no solution.
My theory: Plain old energy. Basic combustion.
The pure oxygen (that we breathe in everyday) = the knowledge of our historic wrongdoing of each other as a community.
Fueled by the heat of the media, whose job it is apparently to rile people up. Sex sells. Violence sells. Happiness is for the weak and disillusioned.
This video will probably make the rounds of every internet news feed. Happy stories will get buried next to the obituaries.
And here's the rub:
The question has been posed, if this was an African American kid getting the beatdown by a group of white kids with more white kids promoting the ass-kicking, the community would be in an uproar. Scheduling marches, getting Rev Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson on board; screaming at the world for justice. This story would have surfaced on every national morning news show.Where is Jesse today?
Check the story again. They now say it was not racially motivated. I know your the kind of black person that loves to show how "unbias" you are by jumping on other blacks, however you jumped to a conclusion that was not supported by the evidence just like the media and bigots who are quick to point out the racial part of any story. Hopefully Jesse is busy using his soap box (blog)for something productive for all races and not just for a chance to grab some publicity for himself.
ReplyDeleteOh Yeah remember the permed haired pimp looking rev Al Sharpton? He asked for a deferred sentence for the skin head who stabbed him because all youth need a second chance.
Racism is a funny thing.
"Just Me" -
ReplyDeletehmmm, interesting assumption on your part.
1) I did not jump to a conclusion - the evidence (via video) showed a clan mentality beating the shit out of 1 young man - Black or white the blog (my soapbox) was a discussion on herd mentality and the bias of the media.
2) My comment on Jesse Jackson and you friend Al, was in response to a question posed me - not my stance.
3) My comments are generally unbiased - yes that is the correct tense - from a journalist standpoint, not a "bigot" p.o.v. misdirected by an internal sense of hatred for oneself easily corrupted by ignorance and an HD TV.