Monday, October 12, 2009

Competition and Men's Luck

If you have seen the Chris Rock standup routine where he talks about men being pet projects of women and how other women aren't even thinking of looking twice at some men until their new woman cleaned them up, gave them a tic tac and basically "trained them" - now these men are getting random booty calls mid-week asking for "freaky-stuff".

Chris Rock has a way of bringing the funny to the table, no matter what the situation. The reality of this schtick is the true competitive nature of women. Men seem to be under the impression that if they smile and swagger, women will drop at their feet. Well, some women, yes. What I have learned (as a wingman for most of my male friends) is that men who are surrounded by beautiful women pull more beautiful women. There is a competitive instinct amongst women that rivals that of most men.

Where does this desire to win man's affection come from? Is it instinctual? Is it hormonal?

Or is it not as much about competition as it is about pheramones? Men who have a woman in their life tend to put off a sexier air. Their confidence is higher. They are more secure. Perhaps these things are more appealing to women, and lead

Is it as simple as caveman days, updated by the power struggle women have had to gain what we perceive as a society as strength. My cave needs to be bigger, I need to win the stronger of the species to procreate and make a master race. Is it simply a Darwinistic approach to social structure which is as obvious as the need to breathe oxygen and drink water?

This is an ongoing discussion that will be updated sporadically as more info and commentary are submitted...

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