Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Notes of Gratitude

As I prepare for my day trip to Phoenix I am beaming with anticipation and excitement. The process with the airline I am joining has been an extensive three month process.

I have been thinking about how long and difficult this past year has been - little to no work, a tumultuous economy and social environment - the core things that keep people on edge. I have finally lived long enough to one day discuss the recession of 2009.
Throughout this time, I have reminded myself of how blessed I am and relied on those strengths along with the knowledge of a better time to come, to get through the difficult times. That and my Nana's voice, "hang in there", "things will not always be this hard", "you are strong", "beauty comes from within" and "there is enough love for everyone". Just seeing her face and hearing her voice soothed me every day I could no longer stand up on my own.
These words and my friend Margeau's reminders of gratitude which nudged me every day to stay strong. Thank you my friend.
These blessings inspired me to write myself a Note of Gratitude.
I am grateful for healthy children.
I am grateful for the insight to know everything is temporary; the good, the bad, the evil, and the bounty. The only thing guaranteed is death. This hard time had to come to an end, and I stuck it out. What did I conquer? Nothing. But my mind is free and I have not brought myself down with despair.
I am grateful for presenting to my kids everyday that life is what you make it, so make it the best life ever.
I am grateful I did not waver in spirit in front of them.
I am grateful for my new job. I am grateful for a genuine opportunity. I am grateful for the knowledge that tomorrow this job may not be everything I thought, but I am still blessed to work.
I am grateful for my friends around me who kept me lifted - whether they know it or not. I am grateful for the spirit of God in my life, even when I didn't know it.
I am grateful for the sun, even when hiding behind a cloud on the coldest dreariest day ever - I know you are there and you warm me.
I am grateful I bring a smile to someones face everyday. And if it was YOU today - I am grateful for you in my life because of this.
I am grateful for everyday that led up to this day and for everyday I get to experience after today.
I am grateful my body has not failed me.
I am grateful I was able to write when I could not speak.
and sometimes I am just grateful for Edie ...


  1. I am so grateful to have you back in my life, Sherri--you are a constant source of inspiration and I admire you more than I can tell you here. I am honored that you share your life with me and look forward to becoming closer to you as we journey this world together.

    Love and Light,

  2. I am greatful for the thoughtful words you constantly bestow upon me and my family.

    Amazing that we have never met in person as I feel I have known you a lifetime.

  3. I so apprecaite you - my friends who have chosen me - we see something beautiful in each other :)
