Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Forward

Does anyone know why we set our clocks forward in the spring and why we set them back again in the fall?
I have tried to wrap my head around every possible reason a group of men would sit around and make this worldly decision which has no real value whatsoever. Or does it? Someone please enlighten me.
And to whatever reason we do this, why do only some of us participate? Arizona seems to be getting along just fine with out the spring forward fall back phenomenon.
Must we challenge everything that is naturally correct?


  1. So if we save energy in the summer by having more daylight, wouldn't it be reasonable that we expend more in the winter by having less?
    I still don't see the point. It all should even out- with or without d.s.t.

  2. if we live our days according to the sun and the moon (natural people), it matters not what the clock says, however, there are those that live their days according to artificial time (technology) So of course the sun and moon screw up the clock so that technology people feel compelled to change something to make something correct but not quite sure what that is: so they change the time. That's my rendition of the story. Kurt

  3. ha! this must be why I can't understand ;)


    from Rhonda/Denver
    Thank you!
