Today was the beginning of the last vacation before the beginning of the new school year.
I try and take the kids somewhere every year so we can bond and touch base before the school year starts and time gets away from us again. It is an opportunity to talk about everything they are anticipating as well as the summer events thus far.
Catchup time and new beginnings.
It's also an opportunity to capture memories of childhood and the good things we all remembered as kids - the chance to pass it down. Beaches and bike rides, summers end, and road trips...the good things that we remembered about being a kid and of our parents.
This trip held a little more depth for me because I knew I had some lingering personal issues that were hanging like an emotional brooch around my neck. I wanted to keep everything separate yet get the closure I so desperately need.
The flight to Los Angeles was full but we were told there were enough seats for all three of us. Super! One more stress off my back. We boarded and sweet, I got an exit aisle seat with one child seated behind me, and the other in the row ahead of me. No worries.
Then I noticed a commotion and realized someone did not have a seat. I volunteered to ride Fourth Jumpseat (with the fight attendants) so no one would have to exit the aircraft, and the flight commenced.
The Flight attendants - the 3 Angels who were sent to me, in my like form (as God has indicated they would be), were funny, and sweet, and all strong in faith.
Their similar demeanor's to mine engaged me.
One was extremely funny and used colloquialisms that I used and had an edge about her. One took her job very seriously, yet was quiet and thoughtful. The last was strong and serious, but worked to maintain her sense of self in the light of others. They all spoke to my personality, yet all three together pulled me into
Their lightness of being held my attention. Their words moved me and spoke to my heart and my faith and I realized I was lucky enough to be acutely aware of one of those moments when the Universe is speaking to you. And I listened.
This is what they told me:
"You are strong"
"Trust your instincts"
"We can't pick a man for ourselves, we have to let God show us who He has picked for us"
"All that glitters is not gold"
"When you find "the one", he will tell you, he will pursue you. You will know."
I left with my heart feeling lifted and knowing how to get through one more day because someone sent me 3 angels to help me on my journey.
Today, I needed that.
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life there is
only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most
you would leave me."
The Lord replied "My precious, precious child,
I love you and would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints in the sand,
it was then that I carried you."
"I am certain that you will receive what you want and need and it will all come together in a cosmic synchronicity that will amaze even you.~"
ReplyDeleteLRJ~ wise friend of mine, I know in the words of Mick Jagger,
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might get what you need"
Lately, I am getting just what I need. In many forms, in light, in opportunity, in response - my friends and the people who really love me, even though I didn't know, all showed up. What I wanted didn't, but what I needed most certainly did!
I am strong.
I am beautiful.
I have a huge heart.
and good people care about me!