Big week.
I am contemplating moving to California for a career opportunity. I have double kid duty all month and the double carpool in the a.m. and the double car pool in the p.m. are wearing on me. Scheduling.
Recycling and toilets.
This week is wearing me out already...then there was Tuesday.
Tuesday after school, Saunders gets into the car and immediately apologizes for being late to the Kiss-n-Go for pick up. He looks like his little day has been wrecked, but I don't say anything. As we drive on an errand for Maddi, he says, "when we get home I need to talk to you about something that happened after school."
Every worst thought goes through my mind, and if you know me you know I have no patience. I want to know now. I wait until we get to the errand point and Maddi gets out of the car. I turn off the ignition and ask him what's up. He starts to ask me if I know how hard he's been trying to have a good year, and I respond, yes, and he goes on to tell me that he will likely get a "think sheet" for something that happened after school.
Oh great. I wait patiently for the bomb to drop.
He tells me that he was playing wall ball and accidentally tripped another student. The student, in anger retaliated against him and shoved him. Saunders walked away but the other child came back, called him names and shoved him to the ground. Saunders then states he got up and shoved him back at which point a parent intervened and took them both inside for fighting,
which is a big deal in public school these days.
I listened to his story and thought about what he was trying to accomplish and told him we could talk about it later and I was sorry he had had a bad day.
Fast forward Wednesday, After school, I ask about the think sheet and Saunders tells me that he would probably be getting one, but he may be getting suspended as well.
I ask about the meeting. I ask about the think sheet. I ask about the other student. I ask specifically what happened, and if all the stories would line up. His answers were consistent.
Fast forward to this morning. I decide to take matters into my own hands, as I can hardly be expected to wait for someone else to determine my kids destiny.
I have a conversation with the Administrator in charge of discipline in this matter.
She basically confirms Saunders story with the addition of what was said between the two boys, and the physical activity. Apparently, the boy called Saunders "a retard", so Saunders retorted "at least I'm not in special Ed." Ouch! Unfortunately, the boy does have special needs classes, and I will assume this is when he shoved Saunders to the ground. In turn Saunders kicked this boy in the ribs hard enough to leave a bruise.
Now, luckily they are nine years old, so there will be no legal ramifications, but when they turn ten years old, apparently, the law gets involved, so the school is worried for them both that they understand the consequences of their actions.
She did let me know that Saunders is a good kid but the incident was considered a fight and they have policy to follow. Well, yeah... But, in benefit of both kids, she said they both fessed up to what they each did and both showed sorrow and remorse, which is a great thing.
This was probably my biggest worry, that the truth would be greyed and that the kids would not have remorse. These are touchy words, and Physical altercations rarely lead to the truth. So kudos to them for stepping up and showing maturity and responsibility for their actions.
But man! being a parent never ends.
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