The Universe is an amazing place. The concept of the earth and all the planets, the sun and the moon is so vaste - no human will ever have the capacity to wrap their head around what an expansive, energized powerful world we live in.
I have always been intrigued with the concept of fate. What drives fate? The power of the universe and human thought. Karma. Effective, powerful thinking - in terms of making things happen for you. Positive thinking in terms of change. Are we indeed all catalysts for our path?
I believe so.
I do believe firmly that every step you take is a force to making your life work for you.
The power of thought is beyond any physical force you can imagine.
I have a hundred stories, if I have one, of the power of thought and how my life has benefited from the power of my own mind.
I have always believed that success comes from hard work and integrity. This is how I live my life. Exuding positive energy from the moment I wake up until I drop with the moonlight is part of what makes me feel accomplished. Being honest without hurting people. Not being a user. Giving 100% because it's the right thing to do, not because someone tells me to - because your actions do affect people. The cycle of intent is even more powerful than actions themselves.
I had a difficult year. I finally found a great job in a great environment with people that I like, doing something I really love - after a year of unemployment and a tremendously desperate outlook. My integrity for success kept me afloat for a long time. After finding a great career match, I struggled with the after effects that a year of unemployment imposes. I kept my head up. I never let a day go by when I did not remember I was a role model to two amazing kids that I would never let go without - without food, without shelter, without pride.
I tried to never get ahead of myself in my worry. Never think about next month...just get through the day, and the week. Slowly but surely, this year got better. I caught up on my current financial issues. I paid back borrowed monies. I pay my rent on time. I looked forward to the end of the year, the holiday season, and New Years Eve (which is my favorite holiday) as the renewed life of my lifestyle. Getting back on my feet has never been so important or so integral to my future and the future of my kids.
I didn't know if I would be able to afford Christmas presents, or not, this year, and not that I didn't care, but I was so happy to have food and a home that it really didn't matter. Somehow, I had gotten through the year with the help of my friends, carpooling my children to and from school while I worked, lending a hand when I couldn't see the reach. My friends (and neighbors) showed up, and I can't thank them or be grateful enough - Douglas, Jessi, Rhonda, and at the end Jen & Scott - you have no idea how much your generosity has meant to me when I had no one to help me. I was reminded constantly that I am alone then quickly reminded that I have a circle of love around me bigger than my physical boundaries. And I am grateful.
I met a generous soul at the airport (which seems to be the conduit for all my energy lately), and this person was kind enough to give me tickets to a football game. This seems like a simple thing, but I would never have been able to afford such a gift for my son this year, and to see his favorite team to environment and the positive energy I create, again, gifted me with something for my children. At Christmas.
I was lucky enough to meet some great people this year who have done great things for me and never made me feel inadequate because I had a hard year. I have been humbled and revived.
I am blessed.
I will never deny the power of thought, the power of attraction, and the gift of the universe if you are open and believe.
Your positive energy and outlook have lifted me time and time again this year. Thank you Sherri.