Friday, January 20, 2012

Politics Politics!!

Another round of mudslinging is upon us. The Democrats trying to show how "out of touch" the Republicans are, and the Republicans attempting to show those bleeding heart liberals how to run a country. It never ends.
The rumors, the's high school all over suits...with money.
A popularity contest. The boy with the most toys (and groupies) wins.
For once, can't everyone put their ego aside and do what's right for the country? Not a specific agenda, but the right of the country. Remember when a group of guys got together and drew up this cool document called the Declaration of Independence.
For the People...and all that.
Have these politicians read this lately?

Apparently over 200 years ago, we were a much smaller group of liberals, and I use that term since we were liberating ourselves from England at the time, with a more succinct system of values. We were bound to the rights of our little nation at the time.
Maybe we should get back to the roots of that declaration:
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Maybe it's time for us to dissolve our political bands which tie us to the crap that we are neck deep in.
Let's get back to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, and stand up for what this little country stood up for way back when.  We are stronger, we are smarter, we are connected. Let's not let a few roosters in the yard steer us away from our value system. It's time to take back what is ours - this country!
These are your dollars, your children's lives, your homes, your countryside - isn't any of this important enough for you to get off your butts and have accountability for it? Put your name on it!
Put our complacency aside and show these Simon's what they owe us. Respect. Loyalty. A country worth sending our brothers and sons and nephews to war for. Demand it!
We've been analyzing and talking about it long enough.
We've been watching it on TV long enough.
We've been taking it long enough!
I am proud to be an American. This is a great country, flaws and all. None of these fools represents me, or anyone I know. We can stand together and make a difference. Leaders have done it in the past, we can do it again.

When the time comes when we are tired of the mediocre offerings of the few, it will be time for the majority to take over.


  1. Thanks for the post. I agree that we should have a government that is truly concerned about 'this' country. Let's opt-out of sending our people to war to poke our nose in affairs that have nothing to do with us which is a great part of the reason people want to destroy the U.S. in the first place. What the country supposedly stands for really needs to be re-written because, unfortunately, the documents that were written and signed by the founding fathers were still not all-inclusive, hence the rights that were not available to certain people, the enslavement, the torture, and the killing of people belonging to various groups. Our society has always imbalanced. Am I complaining? Not at all. I just have no problem blatantly acknowledging the ugliness as well as the benefits. I just wish they were a bit more candid and less misleading. That would be respectable. I am proud to live as a human being and I would do that no matter where I lived. One of the problems with this Nation (as I was reminded by a 9/11 recap on NPR) is we only stand together temporarily. Actually, in very fleeting fashion. That's what we need to work on. Truly being the land of the 'free' and embracing all the differences swirling in this melting pot of a Nation and standing strong on one concept alone- loving and respecting all people. that was all over the place but, since you didn't have any comments, I figured I'd ramble a bit. Love ya! *hugs*

  2. Thanks!! I totally agree. I was going to mention 9/11 and our ability to stand together, but it is a temporary fix to a huge issue.
