The purpose in life, under some terms is not simply to evolve, but to engage and learn.
This is affected by the people we are born to. The friends we choose. The children we are blessed with.
The lovers that cross our paths. Our lifelong friends, and our acquaintances.
Each of these relationships is specific in determining how we proceed to our (own individual) next level.
I held on to this article for few days before I actually read it, because I knew there were things that I would easily get, and things I wasn't ready to face yet; the path of my own journey I didn't want to see on paper. Like knowing your bank account is a mess, but being afraid to log in and see it firsthand, because in your mind, the damage is far worse than in reality.
This article in O magazine lightly sauces a few very typical behaviors that change people's outlooks. But, on some level gives a better outlook on how and why we become the people we are today. How do we react to these encounters? How do we train our persona's to react to similar acts in the future? Do we become more aware? Do we repeat the same mistakes over and over again? Do we jump up and never open the door again?
I finally read the article today, and as I suspected, received it far better than I anticipated. The #1 point made, which we have all walked through...hanging on longer than necessary believing under some sun that we are more special than that person thought we were. And we are, even if they don't think so.
I had a great friend tell me once, "just because "that guy" mistreated me, doesn't mean I am unlovable". Those words changed my path. My outlook, my life.
I had attached my love-ability to some dick, who treated me just like my dad did forty years ago, and responded as if that was my future, my story, not just my history.
I had to tell myself everyday for months, "I am loveable". And today, I would never have to say that outloud, because I know it's true, but then, I needed to hear it everyday, even if only from my own lips, to remind myself that one fucktard (maybe two) does not define me.
But, had that never happened, had I never been mistreated, had I never heard my friends kind words, had I never picked my ass up off the ground and revitalized myself, and my spirit, I would be the same pathetic girl disengaged by words and actions of someone so careless, they don't even care about them self, much less anyone else.
The benefit of heartache...the quality of engaging in life.
Always the opportunity to build a better universe for self.
Thanks for sharing. I agree wholeheartedly and I am glad you have allowed yourself to illuminate. *hugs*