The first thing I want to say about Copenhagen is, it is the kind of city where strangers (locals) stop you in the street, or on the train, or in the middle of whatever you are doing, to ask, "what are you looking for", "where are you going"? They want to help strangers, and do so freely. It is an innate and powerful kindness. I had it happen numerous times, and kindly, warmly because it is the right thing to do. My type of city.
Nyhavn |
Copenhagen was everything I wanted it to be. All my expectations were exceeded. The people are genuine and friendly. Open and easy going, in the most relevant sense. The city has an ease of living about it which is hard to explain, but easy to sense. Walk-able and livable. Copenhagen is the definition of modern living with traditional values and comfort. They are proud to be eco friendly - aware of the earths resources - this transcends law in the most human factor. They really do care, and you feel that in every aspect of the city itself.
| The primary reason I initially wanted to travel to Copenhagen was to see the Little Mermaid statue, and visit the home of Hans Christian Anderson. My grandmothers, who both influenced my life greatly, were educators and avid readers. They not only introduced me to travel and appreciation of culture and world views - they showed me authors and artists from all over the world from a young age. H C Anderson was one that I always remembered. Like I learned on my guided tour of the city - his stories were (and still are) relevant to society and impact how we treat each other as a human race. The Little Mermaid, may be the most famous, but The Emperors New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling were just as powerful and still show how we as a society judge each other, and are impacted by others perceptions. |
Hans Christian Anderson's, The Little Mermaid |
I was super lucky to get to witness the
Changing of the guard at the Queen's Palace |
changing of the guards TWICE. Once I happened to be walking the area between the palace and the city center and saw the soldiers making their way towards the Queen's Palace, and the second day, I was on a tour bus which alerted us to get off and go onto the Palace grounds to witness the changing ceremony...SO I DID! It was a beautiful tradition and showed so much respect to the city and the Queen. I felt in awe, simply being allowed to watch. And another moment where a local, grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to the front of the crowd so that I could get a better photograph as he sang along to the national song. It brought tears to my eyes.
bike lanes are serious business, not just a concept |
One of the things I appreciated about the city was their conscious awareness of their footprint. It was obvious - saving the earth is not just a slogan, it is a lifestyle. The city is proactive in every portion of their living. There are more bike lanes than car lanes. Bikes are lined up everywhere, outside work spaces, outside the metro, in front of apartment buildings, schools, and eateries. Biking and walking are a way of life. I walked and took the metro everywhere I went, but loved the ownership of the bikes.
It just exists as such - freely and lovely. A simple life dedicated to keeping their city clean and easy. I understand that most people own more than one bike - it's like having cars in the U.S.
Even residents from other countries who happen to live there now, also fall right in, walking and biking, living a lifestyle that says, I care about this earth we inhabit; I care about you, my neighbor.
beautiful natural framing of Danish life |
The beauty of the city extended far beyond the architecture and esoteric values visible to the naked eye. The beauty of Copenhagen is a feeling as well. A knowledge of something eccentrically good among the people, and the land, and the forward thinking of the society itself. I felt safe and welcome. In todays world, this is unique and sacred and I valued my time here.
I wish goodness everlasting for Copenhagen, its inhabitants, and the visitors so blessed to experience this wonderful city.
The kind of town you want to send a "thank you gift" to, after visiting.
For additional photos, please visit my youtube channel
Copenhagen Youtube
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