"Stay tuned..."
Original post dated October 12, 2010: 6:21p
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I had no idea why this sentence and topic was driving my thought process(a year ago today), well, maybe I do have one idea. The man I thought was the genuine love of my life was up to his old tricks again, and I couldn't imagine my life without him. So, at that time, what was I willing to do for love?
I should have composed a list of questions for myself:
Are you willing to sacrifice your knowledge of self for love?
Are you willing to live with the knowledge that the man you have chosen does not know how to be faithful?
Are you willing to interpret and re-interpret his version of the truth, for love?
Are you willing to give up your values and morals for love?
Are you willing to be the role model for your children who says, "do as I say, not as I do" for love?
Are you willing to be miserable in the light of someone who does not deserve you, for love?
Are you willing to ignore the disrespect of other women, and undoubtedly this man, for love?
Are you willing to give yourself completely to someone who has ...who can't give them-self to you, for love?
Are you willing to be miserable, for love?
Are you willing to be alone, for love?
Are you willing t second guess your own judgement which as been diligently faithful to you, for love?
Are you willing to give up one more day of your fantastic and sun filled life, for love?
Th answer was, and still is, NO.
Don't compromise on Love. Ever ~