Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The power of Inner Beauty

This was posted on Facebook today:
"For every beautiful woman there's a man that has successfully made her feel that she wasn't." via Kalimah P.

The sad thing is, it's so true. It is so easy to bring anyone to their knees by making them feel like they aren't beautiful or special. It's funny, because it's so subliminal on some levels.

Like racism and sexism in America, we have been trained to hear some things and not feel the depth of how fucked up the statements are and how they can impact someone's soul.
Yes, there are plenty of jackwads that directly insult women to keep them insecure and incapable. But then there are the men that tell women how pretty they are, and how smart they are, and how fantastic they are - then (like my previous blogs this week describe) they undermine these verbal compliments with actions, and psychological undermining s: ie "Don't post pics of us (now) because it may hurt someone else (supposedly from my past)."
I could teach a class on what things you shouldn't be doing if it may hurt someone else, and how simple you must be to think A) the original acts aren't "bad", or B)  the person you are speaking to doesn't have feelings as well.

Every woman is beautiful , and if we were all taught that from the moment of birth, men couldn't get away with making any woman feel as if she wasn't.

My mom always told me from the time I could understand:
There will ALWAYS be someone prettier, smarter and younger, but YOU are special.
It took me 40 years, and a daughter of my own, to fully understand what this statement means, but if I pass anything on to the young women of the world it is: Never let a man take away your strength.
YOUR strength is your inner beauty. The power of you. The righteousness of choice, and love.
You can't help how the outer looks and changes, but you have full power over the inner.


  1. Such a powerful piece S!!! I am super deep in thought... I love that you're my friend and I'm thankful to Kalimah P for his thought provoking FB post that inspired this blog. Pass it on...
