Thursday, February 2, 2012

The beautiful and disillusioned

Tonight, after running a ton of errands and ending up at the grocery and liquor store, I had someone tell me that they don't know what world I live in but in the real world, people do not get things handed to them as I do. I was totally offended. I do not get free stuff, nor expect anything gifted me... ever. 
What happened this evening was inexplicably due to the fact that I am a loyal customer and had nothing to do with the way I look. The fact that I had to explain this to someone was also offensive. The reference they made was pointed towards young, hot chicks that get into clubs free, and get free drinks and go on vacations where they never come out of pocket. This is not me.

After purchasing goods in a retail store, I realized I had forgotten a couple of staples that were required to make the main purchases a bit better, so I wandered over to the front of the store and picked up the extra items. When I returned the transaction was complete and had been paid for by credit card. I tried to add the additional items (which were under two dollars) and, too late, I handed the clerk my credit card to be alerted that there was a five dollar minimum. OK, I stated, "These items should have been with this group, but I was too slow...", at which time another clerk stepped in and said, "just pay the next time you are in". Super. This is  a neighborhood store and seemed reasonable to me.
My friend, waited until we left the store and said if I didn't look the way that I did, I would have had to pay for the items then and there. Well, I feel, my neighborhood retailers know me well enough to know that I am good for the buck and some change, and the way they treated me had nothing to do with how I look, but with the fact that they know I am good for the money and will be back.
I am a loyal and returning customer...even in 2012.
My friend stated, no one else in my neighborhood would have gotten to walk out of the store with those items without paying. That girls get, "shit for free all the time".
 I was incensed that I had to argue, that I never get shit for free. I always pay my own way, I pick up drinks, I like to buy shots, I don't get in to clubs for free, well maybe sometimes, but not regularly, like he made it seem. I was so insulted, because it implied that I take advantage of people...which I don't.
And tomorrow, I will march right over to the store and hand over my one dollar and thirty cents so that no one thinks I think I deserve anything free.
This is actually totally bullshit, because if he hadn't said that, and people didn't look at me as if I expect free stuff, I probably wouldn't think anything of it. One dollar and thirty cents...nothing... and I'm sweating this, because one guy is certain that "girls like me" get shit for free all the time.

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