I was on a bus from the Dulles airport to downtown D.C. this past week. There was a homeless woman on the bus as well. She had been working some of the tourists for bus fare prior to getting on the bus. Talking to herself and spouting comments to appear more outrageous than she was, in my opinion.
She boarded the bus, without enough fare, and proceeded to yell at the driver that she was looking for the fare and/or she would do whatever it was she had done last week to get on the bus. I did not really catch the entire conversation at this point because I realized she was simply a hustler and I don't bite.
But, as her luck would have it, a good looking Indian businessman boarded the bus (after her rant) and she appealed to his upperclass guilt, with doe eyes and a quiet, sad story (which I couldn't hear at this point, not because I wasn't trying, but because she had lowered her tone to evoke sympathy) and he gave her the couple dollars she was missing.
As we crossed into the city, the driver pointed out the Arlington cemetery, and the Pentagon, and as he was giving directions to the Memorial and the White House, this "crazy" woman burst into song. The Nigerian national anthem. Void of any respect for those of us, he was speaking to on the bus, and void of any respect for the historical information he was volunteering about this, OUR, great nation's capital. This woman simply interrupted to redirect attention to herself and basically cockblock the impromptu tour he was giving the tourist (me) on the bus.
See, I spoke to the driver before I boarded. I told him I was traveling. He knew where I was going and that I needed direction, not only to my destination, but back to the bus to get back to the airport as well. So, his information was important to me personally, but she didn't know how many people on that bus wanted to hear what he had to say, she was simply being rude.
She assumed everyone would assume she was crazy. That is the conclusion people jump to when people do not follow the rules of society. Crazy. But, I know better. Hustler. Indignant, rude hustler. Pissed because she assumes she knows something about the Americans on this bus with her. The Americans that have money to dispense on frivolities, money to spend on this great life, money to throw away...so why shouldn't we give it to her? I'll tell you why. I have a big heart, and have no problem giving. What I have a problem with is those who take advantage. She saw that businessman coming a mile away. She also saw me, and knew better. I don't play those games. Hustlers know what a mark looks like - this is why I knew she was a hustler. She chose whom to beg from. Hungry will ask everyone on the bus; everyone in the terminal for even just a quarter to get a bite to eat. Hustler's choose a mark to get as much as they can, and avoid those that will call them out.
So, I was already agitated by her presence. I hate people that take advantage of others. Get a fucking job...just like I did. Just like everyone else on that bus did.
On with the story...
As the bus driver was giving information on our nations capital, she began to sing. She intentionally sang over the words of the driver, and her loud rendition of the Nigerian national anthem was a vocal protest of this country. She could have been rude and chanted anything she wanted, but she wanted to prove a point and sing her country's national anthem. Again, fine, but if one is so inclined to overtalk someone to prove a point, ie "I have no respect for what you are saying, or your country", why don't you take your ass back to Nigeria? Sing it loud and sing it proud, but those of us who love this country and are not begging money off of other nationals would appreciate if you shut your mouth when you're talking at me.
Hustlers aren't crazy, they are leeches. Plain and simple.
And I'm not crazy enough to give you a red cent. Rude.
love it!!!
ReplyDeletetrue story :)