What is this obsession we all have with "mattering?"
If we are all here simply to evolve, why do we all need recognition of the process?
Whether it be from our parents, or a mentor, a boss, society, our peers, God...why do we all subscribe to the notion that we have to please someone in order to have found success?
No success is different. No recognition is more powerful.
And we crave it.
My dad didn't love me enough, so I sought out a teacher. I didn't get the recognition I thought I deserved in college, so I sought out a career which would fill that void. I didn't mesh with my associates, and work was not a match for me, so I sought out more education and a mentor. I grew up. I sought out spirituality and the light of God. I can't hear Him, so I seek further.
I am never satisfied with my accomplishments because there is always the never-ending desire to have someone believe and speak that we matter.
When I pray, I expect an answer. Something. A sign. A motion. A word. Silence. Something. As I age and realize that silence is the only time we can hear the reality of our existence, the only time we can think and just be. This is the most difficult space to be in - the time we only have accountability to ourselves. The moment we realize why we need to matter to someone else.
Because only mattering to ourselves would give us too much power.
Power to succeed. Power to be everything we have dreamed in life. Power to be the light in the world that makes change and gives love.
Is this just me? I don't think so. I live my life and am a happy person. I strive for perfection, for better. All the time.
I give my kids everything I can give.
I try and love unconditionally, but I always notice, in the back of my mind, when/ if, I am getting any love back. From the Universe, from my peers, from God.
I have always believed if you give enough you will get it back.
When you don't get it back you tend to stop. To cease giving what moves the world. But, the fact is, when you aren't getting anything back is when you should give more. That is when your power will shine.
When we look at leaders such as MLK and Mother Teresa, and artists like Bob Marley - if people like that stopped giving love and making a change in the world when they weren't getting anything back in return, we would be cavemen. We need more of them and less of us (if that makes sense).
I know that giving, fundamentally, is not for the purpose of receiving anything in return, but simply because it is natural and the right thing to do. But, everyone has limits. Moments when they realize they are in a world that does not give back. Our ego will not let us continue give to an non-reciprocating audience. Having the internal strength to continue to matter to oneself and not to anyone else, is the most powerful love in the universe and will change the world.
Music exemplifies this theory:
Gaither Vocal Band
Michael Jackson
Celine Dion
Whitney Houston
Bob Marley Playing for change
I think this is some of the most profound writing I have ever seen from you.
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