Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Grey area

...and today I am back in the grey area.
Here is the fundamental flaw in this theory of complexity and contradiction - human emotion. This theory may work quite well with steel rods and girders, cement and mortar, brick and plaster. But, with human flesh, skin, heart and all the fucked up emotions that go along with it, the theory has more holes in it than a dam in Denmark.

And the little boy with his finger holding up a flood, preventing a city from it's demise, well, yet another contradictory story, fabricated by some douche who obviously has a hero complex and is getting way more ass than the rest of us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Complexity and Contradiction

It's an idea that architecture should get away from what is simple, boring, "form follows function" way of modernism and instead create designs that integrate various elements of architectural styles, design, thought, in creative, sometimes playful ways that are both "complex" in their blending and "contradict" in the way they come together as we know it. It's really about shaking up what is conventional and creating almost a hybrid in design that comes together and works at a unique and unconventional level while still being artistic and recognizable.(LRJ)
Shaking up what's conventional - this, I understand.
Getting away from simple, boring - this I know well.
Unique and unconventional - this I am.
The concept of complexity and contradiction is innately appealing to me. We are, as human beings, complex. Where does the contradiction lie? We are so surprised by our own actions and the results of our actions and behaviors, even though if you look at our makeup, we are destined to be the most complex creatures - mind and body.
The contradiction, in fact, lies in the fact that we are so unaware of how complex we are.
We joke about women being complex creatures. We bear children. Our hormones and emotions tend to run our actions. We can love even when there is nothing or no reasoning behind it. We can nurse other's childrens. Yet, we can fight wars and manage the world.
I look at myself and I see my history, and sometimes I laugh.
I don't know why and I don't know how, but I know as complex as I am, the contradiction of self is far greater than anything I could possibly describe or understand.
Sometimes everything you believe in is questioned by one action. One moment that changes your entire outlook. Everything you believe in life changes. Or, is it just another step on a path we don't understand?
I think everything is determined in terms of black and white - it is or it isn't. I tend not to have grey areas. I believe that you choose. No matter what...you choose and you stand by your choice. I have been in a grey area recently, which has questioned my entire spectrum of belief. Today, I chose. Left the grey area - black and white. It truly is that simple. So, is the complexity that we are so in awe of really a figment of our imagination? Is the complexity actually a pure simplicity that we choose not to acknowledge?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Still surprised

After 41 years of dealing with people who always have something to say...even when it doesn't affect their life, it still surprises me. Live and let live is not the mantra most people in this nosey ass country live by, nor does it prevent people from being hypocrites.

And as many times as it has happened to me that people who live in glass homes still throw stones, it still surprises me.

I had an incident last month where a "friend" and I use the term loosely, not only judged me and tried to out an incident they misinterpreted, but then turned around and bashed me personally and told me how unappealing my actions were.


The actions have nothing to do with them, don't affect them, and the only reason this person even cares is because they love to judge others. Note: This prson knows nothing about the history of the people involved in the actions either.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Beach

In thinking about my upcoming summer I am consumed with travel fantasies. I usually start planning a year in advance for my travels, because I'm a freak like that. I like to research everything from the accomodations to the traditional activities, to (of course) the beaches.
I'm a beach baby (in case you forgot).
Even in my quest to find the most fascinating lighthouse; note, there must be an amazing sunset and beach.
This year I have not start planning yet. I have the dates that my kids will be on vacation. I know when I will have a few weeks to myself. I know where I want to go. In the past, these few items comprised the formula for a well planned adventure. Why not now?
I have been distracted with life.
I realize that my life used to be centered around my next adventure. Now my life is centered around my kids and their next adventure. The Mommyhood Chronicles has overshadowed The Adventures of Sherri Bomb. I would never have imagined letting an entire summer go by without a trip somewhere, and even though in the back of my mind I have this trip scheduled, I have not begun to plan. Very unlike me.
I am not that spontaneous. I will go to Vegas with a backpack and no money for 3 days, no worries. But, not out of the country. When I was 22 I travelled across the country from Boston to LA with not even enough gas money to make it to my destination, but I did it. I would never do that today, but what happened to that spirit?
I am bogged down by work issues (or non-issues, so to speak). I recently moved. My kids need more of my attention than I am used to giving - and not just the physical, "drive me here", "cook my food", "wash my clothes" - but emotional attention. My teen daughter is draining me with her angst. My son is needy. It's hard for me to write, much less plan a trip when I have a window the size of a photograph with which to work.
As I look out my tiny window, all I can see is the beach...