Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Basic Manners

Sometimes we all need a reminder of basic manners.
Don't eat with your mouth full.
Don't poop with the door open.
Say please and thank you.
The basic manners that made human beings the "intelligent species".
With the constant evolution of technology and the ability to self engage instead of participate in society, I notice the increasing growth of bad manners.
People not only don't hold doors for each other anymore, but they actually let doors slam in other's faces because they are so busy texting and talking on cell phones that they don't see other people.

People sit at a dinner table and focus on their cellphone instead of their dinner company. I have been guilty of this myself, but I make it a point, especially if I have invited someone to dinner that I havent seen in a long time to put my phone away and focus on my guest. If your Facebook status update can't wait one hour, maybe you shouldn't make social plans or leave the house. I just read an article on Yahoo news about the Amish Project and how it positively affected the relationships around this particular user when he stopped all use of technology for 90 days.

People fire each other via email. Hey Guy/ Girl...if I have been working for you for more than 2 hours, be gracious enough to call me into your office and hand me my last check. It's called "respect".

Same thing with breaking plans. If you can't show up and an event is in our near future, a phone call is the minimum courtesy. Not a text. Pick up the phone, man-up and say, sorry I am blowing you off for something better tonight. No need to stand outside the theater waiting for my lame ass.

On a plane, if a crew member is speaking to you, make eye contact, respond, then go back to reading the smut on your kindle. This is the same bitch that might be telling you how to inflate a life vest as the plane sinks.

At the grocery store, address the cashiers, bakers and produce guys that ask you, "are you finding everything ok", they actually know where stuff is. They are human beings, don't walk past them like you didn't hear them. And that special needs guy that is pushing the same cart back into the store that you left in the middle of the parking lot - he has feelings too. Say hello.

When shoving past someone to grab something you want, say, "excuse me"...unless you're trying to get knocked the fuck out.  No need to push someone in a line. EVER.
Basic manners 101.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Now, carry on.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Indian Crockpot

I have taken my experimental cooking to a whole new level. I had decided on Indian food for tonight, but didn't know how to get the vegetables soft like I like them, then it occurred to me: the crock-pot.
I turned my Veggie Tikka Masala Curry into a crock-pot dish (and added shrimp at the last minute).
I don't usually write on food, but this flavorful dish was so colorful and delicious (atop Jasmine rice), that I wanted to share. I have also been reading more food blogs lately and wanted to throw my two cents in.
This is an ideal vegetarian dish, or you can add meat to make it however you like it.
So, briefly, ingredients(with one undisclosed secret ingredient) :
Cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, baby portobello's, red, yellow and orange peppers, shallots, cilantro, shrimp, potatoes, and Tikki Masala Curry. I added a table red wine to thin up the sauce a bit, but everything was tossed into the crock-pot this morning (except shrimp and cilantro) to simmer all day. After 5 hours, I added the shrimp and cilantro for added color and flavor.
Easy and delicious.
Man if they had crock-pots on the air-crafts, I'd be in heaven...then there would be more unscheduled aircraft swaps and I would lose my mind.
Bon Appetit~

Monday, January 23, 2012

73 year old Players

Over the weekend I met a 73 year old woman on a plane. She was smiley and we started talking about where she was going and what she was up to. She told me how she was single and had been dating recently. I said, "Good for you". She seemed in great spirits. We discussed traveling and meeting people in general. I told her about my upcoming trip to London and Dublin and she told me about an upcoming cruise she was going on with a gentleman caller.
She told me about the different cruises she has been on, and told me I should try a singles cruise.
The thought of being stuck on a boat, in the middle of nowhere... with a bunch of dudes who would sign up for a singles cruise made me want to jump out the plane window. But, all I could focus on was, she was dating...this 73 year old woman was actively dating. Kicking it, actually.
It crossed my mind; where is this senior meeting single men?
Almost as if she had read my thoughts she said, "Have you tried the internet? I am on "plenty of fish" and it's fun. I have a couple of men I am dating on the side". On the side?
Grandma has a side piece?
Oh hell!
She went on to tell me how much fun she was having and what sites there were for long term relationships, or this new spiritual site she had just joined, but she enjoyed plenty of fish because it was more casual.
What I heard: "I can hook up easier".
I wish I had this kind of chutzpah.
Again, her sly grin and pep in her step made me think, age does not change behavior. The same people that are players in their 20's will be hooking up in the nursing home.
Grandma has a side piece.
Well I'll be damned.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Politics Politics!!

Another round of mudslinging is upon us. The Democrats trying to show how "out of touch" the Republicans are, and the Republicans attempting to show those bleeding heart liberals how to run a country. It never ends.
The rumors, the gossip...it's high school all over again...in suits...with money.
A popularity contest. The boy with the most toys (and groupies) wins.
For once, can't everyone put their ego aside and do what's right for the country? Not a specific agenda, but the right of the country. Remember when a group of guys got together and drew up this cool document called the Declaration of Independence.
For the People...and all that.
Have these politicians read this lately?

Apparently over 200 years ago, we were a much smaller group of liberals, and I use that term since we were liberating ourselves from England at the time, with a more succinct system of values. We were bound to the rights of our little nation at the time.
Maybe we should get back to the roots of that declaration:
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Maybe it's time for us to dissolve our political bands which tie us to the crap that we are neck deep in.
Let's get back to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, and stand up for what this little country stood up for way back when.  We are stronger, we are smarter, we are connected. Let's not let a few roosters in the yard steer us away from our value system. It's time to take back what is ours - this country!
These are your dollars, your children's lives, your homes, your countryside - isn't any of this important enough for you to get off your butts and have accountability for it? Put your name on it!
Put our complacency aside and show these Simon's what they owe us. Respect. Loyalty. A country worth sending our brothers and sons and nephews to war for. Demand it!
We've been analyzing and talking about it long enough.
We've been watching it on TV long enough.
We've been taking it long enough!
I am proud to be an American. This is a great country, flaws and all. None of these fools represents me, or anyone I know. We can stand together and make a difference. Leaders have done it in the past, we can do it again.

When the time comes when we are tired of the mediocre offerings of the few, it will be time for the majority to take over.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Haiti and me

It has been two years since the natural disaster which last affected the people of Haiti.
I remember thinking, "what about the kids? Who is going to take care of all those kids".
Then getting caught up in my own life. My own kids. The day to day issues that bring any family to it's crux of responsibility.
But, nothing has changed.
The kids are still there.
The damage is still affecting the entire island.
The orphanages are still overflowing with homeless, parentless children.
So, I am going.
I am getting on a  plane and I am going down to see the damage for myself. I am going to see what I can do. How I can help. I don't build houses. I don't dig ditches. But, I nurture, I rally, I spread love. I have a hand to help out, and I am going.
I am trying to meet as many people who have been down there to assist me in finding out where the need is. I am trying to find my strengths which are relative to the island. I am taking a backpack and my heart and getting on a  plane.
And this is my 1st step in 2012 to give back. To stand for something.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Where are our Hero's?

I am watching, "I am Legend", and the main character is trying to explain how he named his child after the great reggae legend Bob Marley. He explains how Marley was scheduled to sing at a peace rally when a gunman came into his home and shot him down, yet he still got up on stage 2 days later and performed. Marley expressed how hate does not take a day off, so how can he?
I was born in the 60's.
I grew up with hero's of unity and love like Bob Marley, JFK, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Ghandi; all the heros that changed this world we live in today.
I asked, where have all our hero's gone? Have our dreams of hope died with a few good men?
Are we so selfish and able to sit on the laurels of others struggles that we are willing to let our children die in a world where violence, hatred, the greed of politicians and corporate America supersede all the work the hero's of my childhood worked for?
Then I looked at myself. What am I willing to do?
These same things President Obama asked of us four short years ago when he chanted, "It's time for change".
What are you willing to do for your country?
This year, it's time to stand up.
To stop asking what the world can do for us, but what can we do for our neighbor.
I have always thought being kind and good were good enough, but my silence is simply a passive acceptance of the way things have become, and it's not good enough.
I have been one to yell, "what do you stand for", but in fact, what do I stand for?
I have spent the last 16 years living for my kids - wanting to raise good people, but those little people are becoming big people. People I have to let go. People that are going out into the world on their own to hopefully make a change. As much as I have stood for being the best mom I can be, for being the best person, I haven't gotten out there and acted on my passions in years. I have acted safely. I have tried to keep my kids educated and safe. I have lived in a world that observes and evaluates, but hasn't been active, except in a pure volunteer state. I am not the activist I was in my youth. The reason I went to college. The reason I wanted to write, and make films. Everything I stood for ...
It is easy to grow up and become complacent about the hope of the future, because reality sets in and life is bigger than dreams. Bills have to be paid and kids have to be fed, but the reality is our heros of the past, people that made a difference so that we could have the freedoms that we have, they had families too. They had bills to pay. They had lives to live, and they sacrificed those for the state of our world. They gave their lives to change the lives we have. What are we doing?

I have stated on more than one occasion, I do not make resolutions, but this year I resolve to stand and speak for what I stand for. To be aggressive and vocal about what is in my heart.
One love
One people
What stands greater than the greed and inconsequential motives of most of our world? Living in the light of who we are and sharing that with each other.
Light up the darkness

Stand for something...please.