Saturday, November 27, 2010

On the topic of Monogamy

I was reading over some of my blogs from last year, and I came across, "The Arrogance of Man"; one of my favorites. It occurred to me that I have not yet tapped into the subject of, the purpose of monogamy.
We all know the religious and community reasons, but who initially came up with the idea?
Is this another Adam and Eve proposal? One man, one woman in a garden as close to heaven as we as humans will get. Did it appear after some fantastically intelligent scientist studied penguins for a decade and decided we should do that too?

"THE QUESTION ARISES: Why is sexual fidelity so rare, even among animals that are socially monogamous? For most evolutionary biologists, the real question is: Why do socially mated females have E.P.C.'s? There has never been much doubt about why males do. Males make sperm, which are extraordinarily small, are produced in amazingly large numbers, and require essentially no biologically mandated follow-through in order for reproduction to succeed. As a result, the optimal tactic for males is typically to be easily stimulated, not terribly discriminating as to sexual partners, and generally willing -- indeed eager -- to fertilize as many eggs as possible.
As the sociobiologist Robert Trivers first pointed out in 1972, and as subsequent theoretical and empirical research has shown, males tend to follow a "mixed reproductive strategy," whereby they establish a mateship with a designated female (and perhaps assist in nest building, territorial defense, care of the young, and so forth insofar as those activities increase their reproductive success) while also making themselves available for E.P.C.'s with other females, whom they will not assist." David P. Barash

This all makes sense - the concept of defining relationship boundaries by child rearing. If monogamy is solely needed for the role of parenting, it would follow that single people, really do not need the restriction. BUT, if mainly men, who emit these thousands of sperm indiscriminately, seem to be the one's making the laws about what is deemed appropriate socially - then why?
We are all well aware of the have cake/ eat it theory.
But, if men want to spread seed, then why wouldn't it seem reasonable that they would want open ended "laws" to facilitate that innate desire and simultaneously make it more appealing to the opposite sex?
The concept of fidelity only comes into play as men, who laid the law, and women who have the same desires, get caught. The roles of men and women have changed drastically, but the laws have not.

Personally, with the fear of STD's, and stalkers, and just weirdness in general, there is something to be said about monogamy. But, everyone likes a little spice..something different. Noted.
As I get older I realize it's not the newness I crave as much as the comfortability. But, like in every stage of life, it seems that women and men reach different stages of activity and desire at opposing times of life. Men peak at 17, women peak at 40. Women want relationships at age 25, men at age 50. Who are we supposed to be mating with?
People don't cheat because they just don't want the relationship they are in - it's appealing to have something different. To attract someone on the same track. To have the sports car and the SUV.
I would love to meet someone that fully thinks and believes the same things, at the same time, on the same level of honesty and belief as me. To be able to talk about it with integrity.
When those moments come up...
say something out loud.
Maybe its not about being with someone else, but doing something a little bit differently. Changing it up. But with no repercussion or judgment or pointed humiliation. Just two people who (in concept) really dig each other, and have the type of relationship that allows each of them every thing they need on every level.
Maybe, but that's just me, right?

And sometimes, people just get sick of each other - say that aloud too.

Monogamy...not for everyone, and not forever...sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. That video is hardcore, but true. "Cutting the freedoms"
    "What kind of neurotic society you have created"
    Everyone should be divorced - LOL! Well, alrighty!

    Here's the opposite viewpoint - when you have taken a TRUE friendship where people accept each other 100% and you know, nothing will break that bond - you can move forward together, experiment together, grow together - attain and embrace freedoms together. Apparently, I live in utopia where I believe this may be possible. We all have friends we have had since age 5, Our friends we grew up with, parted ways with, came back to, got in trouble with, shared secrets with, will love til the end of time, BUT do not have a sexual relationship with. These are indeed true marriages. And maybe they don't exist for partners of the opposite sex.

    This dude's a mack though - "when you see a woman and you would like to 'have some time with her', you don't need a God's permission."
    He is funny as hell.
