Thursday, August 28, 2008

A New Dream

I have watched this campaign with the nervousness of an immigrant in a new country who barely speaks the language and watches and waits and learns. I listened to the honest, loving voice of Michelle Obama on Monday. I tried to relate to Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. I wept at Beau and Joe Biden's story on Wednesday. Tonight I believe in the hope for change. I hung on every word of Barack Obama like a schoolgirl on the first day of university. I felt my heart change. I believe "We Can". I have been impressed by a man with a dream.
On the 45th anniversary of the famous Martin Luther King Jr "I have a Dream" speech, another dream has been spoken. The foundation has been laid, and as Obama stated "This presidential race is not about me, it is about you" - "you" directed at the Americans who have stood long enough for this abysmal state of affairs. We are tired, and fed up with this government. It's not good enough. We are better than this. We have a legacy to uphold.

At every step of the way I have held my breath and hoped and wondered if the home team would win. Not just win, but hit a home run out of the park. And out the park Senator Obama hit it. "8 is enough" and "Yes We Can", will be the new mantras for this generation of Americans who stand for change. We are tired of being told to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and "you're on your own", even when we have no boots. Obama hit the nail on the head as he tore apart the politics of the Republican party and stood up for what we stand for. This is what we have needed - someone to stand up for our country.

I am proud to be an American and proud to support a Presidential candidate who believes in the same things I do. It's time for a change so let's stop talking about it and be about it.
Stop talking about it and be about it.

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