Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Sherri Wants

I have been catching up on "What Chilli wants", and it's funny - watching her get grilled by a popular radio show host.
"Maybe Chilli wants too much", was his retort to her list of deal-breakers.

(photo courtesy

Here's the thing with lists. There may be many things on them, but if you don't have standards - if you don't make lists for your self - PRIORITIES and deal-breakers, how can you have standards at all?

I have a list. A very detailed and comprehensive list. Deal-breakers and must-have's, and maybe I won't ever find the man who encompasses all these elements, but if I don't try, I'm not disappointing anyone except myself.
If I settle, why should I expect success?
Is wanting an honest man too much too ask?
A man with a job.
Someone with morals and a solid belief system.
A man that wants a woman to have his back, and returns the favor.
These things are not exceptional qualities. Perhaps hard to find together.
But realistic.
A man who remembers birthdays and wants to treat me special - is this outrageous?
A man who does not need to sleep with other women.
A man who at least knows what he wants in life and tries to go after it - whether successful or not - TRIES to map a life's plan.
A man who loves life. Loves to smile. Loves to laugh. A man who loves my laugh.

What Sherri wants is someone honest and faithful, loving with a huge heart. Someone who has matured enough to realize no one is perfect and accept the things he cannot change, about himself and others, and has integrity in that discovery.

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