Monday, May 16, 2011

Is Entreprenuerial Success Inherited?

Forbes Magazine Article

Again, the concept of Nature vs Nurture, yet in the context of Success.
Are successful people more likely to be successful based on the success of their parents?
As if DNA controls education, capabilities, or success on any level.

I have always been an advocate of nurture over nature. I don't believe dna controls anything, except looks. People all over this earth with no opportunity, no parents, no support, no guidance show up in life. They work hard. They make the money that some are gifted with. They study and they learn. They become as successful as they want to be, because something innate in them demands it.

Does the daughter of Ralph Lauren have an advantage? Yes, she does. If my parents were billionaires, it would be a lot easier to sit back and start a company with the financial backing and a "no-risk" attitude.
My father grew up in a household where he was gifted everything he had. My grandparents were successful and wealthy. Did my father's dna take over and make him successful? No. He chose his path. He chose to squander his gifts, on all levels.
Nature is great, but the opportunity to learn how to be successful comes from your environment. Hard work generates success, not a dad with a gazillion bucks.


  1. Hi Sherri. You say it is something innate in them demands it. Isn't "innate" inherited?

    I think both nature and nurture play big roles... but nurture/circumstances (in this case) might be a source of motivation, risk taking, and drive. Those who have the advantages might have inherited entrepreneurial skills but not the hunger.

  2. I don't think innate is inherited. I think innate comes from natural states of being like the knowledge to breathe, or to seek food.

    I agree exactly that "nurture/circumstances (in this case) might be a source of motivation, risk taking, and drive", but even those who do not get those benefits from home can learn them from other sources (mentors, teachers, peers, TV), but they are learned ;)

  3. So u don't think so people r just wired to be more entrepreneurial than others? Why is this different than art, math, or sports skills?

  4. No, "entrepreneurial" skills are learned. Not saying that people don't have a desire to be successful or a desire to "invent", but the skills that come with independent career success are learned.
    Lots of people have great ideas. Very few know how to implement them. This spans everything from business acumen to networking skills, to financial planning, to heart. Some just don't have the heart. Perhaps one side of the brain is more inclined to drive that skill through the learning process, but like art, math or sports, only the initial talent is there, the skill is derived through practice. I may have a penchant for drawing but I'm never going to be a great artist without nurturing that talent and practicing. Never.
