Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sister Wives

On the heels of my blog about monogamy, I watched an Oprah episode today about a reality-TV polygamous family. I tried to listen with an open mind. I am still trying to wrap my head around why some guy would need or want four wives and sixteen kids.
Then I listened to the wives discuss how this relationship/ these relationships make them better women. They are able to put others before themselves. They can be more reflective instead of reactive.
This setup actually makes them better people.
So, my confusion, stems from a couple different issues I personally have with polygamy.

There are men all over the world with a wife in their home city and a lover in another city, or even in the same city. If this polygamy thing is so healthy, why aren't more people doing it, and why isn't it legal?

Why are people so judgmental of men with numerous baby-momma's? Is it just the ring they want to see on some woman's finger?

Polygamy itself. I don't like to share my glass of wine. I do not have girlfriends/ sister girls/ any woman I am willing to share my man with. Under no circumstances would it occur to me to have a part time relationship. "I'll take him Tue-Fri, and you can have him Sat-Monday".
This being said, I understand, the reverse situation is deemed vulgar - women are not to take on another husband or male lover.
So, not only are you telling me I may only see you once or twice a week, but I can't even fulfill my own personal needs while you are loving my new BFF, who you are married to as well?
I don't think so.

I just don't get it.
I have friends I can open up to and share things with, and engage in an emotionally free relationship without sharing the man in my life. Women are supposed to have women in their lives that support who they are as women. Other, like souls, who you can laugh and cry and share secrets with - women who know who you are and still love you. No matter what.
They don't need to be sleeping with your husband.

Learning how to share oneself (which I believe is termed unconditional love) usually comes with having children - all these women have children and I would assume the gene that makes them capable of learning to love and give unconditionally. Again, not something you need a man, or 3 other women in your home (and bed) to teach you how to do.

Enlightenment comes from self-awareness, not some guy and 3 other chicks just as crazy and insecure as you.

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