Friday, October 3, 2008

Since When...

Did we become so judgemental. So stingy. So dependant on being at the top of the hierarchy?
Ultimately driving us from one of the best nations in the world to one of the worst. Economically, technolgically and socially.
When did we stop caring about our neighbor?
When did it become such a bad thing to pray together?
When did it become ok to shirk our responsibilites, relying on tax dollars and the government to soak up our bills?
When was it ever ok NOT to take care of your own children?
It seems as if every law that is passed now is one more step away from personal responsibility. Why is that OK?
When did we stop being accountable?

I just read an article in regards to the safehaven law allowing parents to drop off their kids at a hospital, firehouse, police station, etc, someplace safe, if they felt they could not take care of their kids. Well, apparently in the state of Nebraska, there was no age limit, so parents wee driving from all over the midwest to drop off their unruly teens.
Now, everyone has hard times, but this a pure example of what has happened to our society since we have grown so self absorbed, and so unaware of our neighbors. It does take a village to raise a child, and the further we get away from acknowledging our neighbor, the further our kids get away from being raised with the community values which inspire independence and success.
My 13 yr old gets on my nerves sometimes. I'm sure I get on her nerves. Would I ever think of dropping her off at a safehaven? Hell no.
I'd get 3 jobs, a british nanny, and some percoset before I ever turned my kids over. BUT, that said, if my neighbor came to me and said, "I can't do this, could you help me with my kid(s)." I would say "Yes", because that's how we are supposed to take care of each other. It starts at home. With YOU.

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