Monday, January 11, 2010

Dogs Vs Kids

I read a thread on recently about people bringing their kids into dog parks. Dog owners worry that small children may get knocked down by excitable dogs or even worse. I remember my brother being chased and bitten by a german shepard when we were school age.

The combination of strangers, dogs, anxiety and animal instinct doesn't always end well.

This is an interesting topic because dog owners have unwritten rules and kid owners have unwritten rules.

As a parent, I personally do not like to see small children in a dog park - outside of the general safety issues with strange dogs whose behavior is unknown possibly attacking other dogs or small children, on the most simple level, dogs get excited and knock children down, not realizing their size or strength, or the lack of balance a small child has. When I see a toddler rambling about in a small area with dogs running and playing, and being dogs, it makes me uncomfortable. Especially when the small child who barely balances himself is holding a piece of food. It's like a piece of bait.

Dog owners believe their dogs are the best dogs ever. Most parents think their kids are the best children ever. Rarely do others (outside your family) believe the same. And even the best dogs and the best kids have bad days. As cute as your dog is to you - as sweet as it is when he jumps on people to give them a big, slobbery kiss, everyone is not as appreciative of Rover's penchant for scratching his claws on your soft skin, or rubbing his shedding coat on your $400 suit - everyone is simply not a dog lover.

I don't bring my kids to your personal space and let them jump on your lap, and lick you and shed on you or scratch you with their unkempt claws. So, if I am jogging in the park or sitting under a tree trying to eat my lunch, I don't want your dog jumping on me, sniffing me, whatever other cute trick he's doing. I'm not interested. Personal space people. Respect it.

I'm not saying kids and dogs can't meet in some safe zone for all parties involved, but it seems reasonable that if specific parks had to be constructed because people need to separate children and dogs (dogs are not allowed on kid parks, on school lots, any place where children's safety and health might be compromised) respect that. If dog owners can keep their pets off your kids playground, keep your kids off the dog owners playground.

PS: this commentary is about strange dog/ child relationships. How you raise your own child and your own dog under the same roof is your business. :)

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