Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Bitch is a Bitch is a Bitch

In the customer service industry, we run across all types of people. Over the past week, I have heard numerous stories retold of the rudest sorts. People who cut lines. People who think the rules do not apply to them. People who think the world owes them something. Generally speaking, people so miserable in their own life, they have to project that ugliness on to the rest of the world in the form of hateful words and selfish actions.

The one common denominator amongst all these people is they have an excuse for their behavior.

"I cut the line because there was an open kiosk and no one else was using it".
Oh, you mean the kiosk that the family of 5 was trying to get to with their 6 bags, stroller, car seat and grandma, but you raced in front of them through the exit pretending you didn't see them and the 70 people waiting patiently behind them? Those "no one's"?

"Security made me miss the flight. Why would you close the door? I am here. The plane is still there. I see it. Why can't it come back for me?" Security somehow let 136 other passengers make this flight on time. Security did not cause you to get your boarding pass 20 minutes before the door of this flight closed because YOU thought you could race through in front of the line and arrive at push back time.

The excuses are what make most Bitches feel OK about their behaviors. But what it comes down to is simple human courtesy, which these people do not have. I see them everyday, oblivious to the world around them, not one solid care about anyone or anything but themselves. What most Bitches don't realize is the whole world sees them. Even though they see no one, everyone notices them.

I have had businessmen oblivious to other travelers step in front of a family to try and show their boarding pass and skip ahead. Passengers where, I've had to say "Sir, you just stepped in front of two small children, can you wait one second," and they look around, shocked to see anyone in their immediate area. "Where did these small people come from", is the look on their face, and they mumble and carry on. No apology. No second thought, really. Meanwhile the mom, and the line of people behind her laugh and say, "thank you" as they continue on.

And for those Bitches that think the rest of the world is moving too slow. Sometimes the world is moving too slow. So what? One day your Bitch ass will be moving slowly too, and when your grandson blows past you to get to a twinkie, or some ass, or whatever it is he thinks is so important that he needs to knock grandma down to get it, you'll think, "Is it really that important?"

I have had to laughingly tell a passenger that his place in line would not board at the same time as another group, but in fact all the seats (on the aircraft) would arrive at their destination at the same time.
What is it exactly, do people think they are gaining by getting in front of someone else? On any level.

On a personal level, I am nice. Just nice. I smile all the time. I don't let grouchy people bother me. I try to make people feel good, no matter what their issue is. Especially when people are hateful with me it is shocking - not to me, but to my associates. I have been telling a story of rude passengers where I have been interrupted by a coworker to ask, "they did that TO YOU?" I have been mid-dispute with a passenger, and had another coworker jump in because they were offended with the Bitchassedness of the passenger, and stated later, that I was too nice. I have had male coworkers tell me after overhearing the way a passenger spoke to me that "one more word outta him, and I was gonna grab that guy by the throat."

Bottom line, most people in the world do not appreciate the actions of Bitches. It's not cute.

This has been a public service announcement.

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