Thursday, November 17, 2011

Denver School of the Arts

Another Middle School Tour this morning, followed by the ooohs and aaahhs of my fifth grader who is looking forward to Middle School almost as much as Christmas.
 As we toured the campus today I got to relive some of my moments of "school love". The film equipment, the literature, the camaraderie I found in University all came rushing back to me as we moved around the campus.
The cinema program here is outstanding. I can't believe 6th graders have access to some of the equipment used here - equipment I didn't see until after I graduated college and moved into TV world. The opportunities that kids get these days is awe-inspiring.
Today, one of the feelings that overwhelmed me was the ability to actually help my child through his middle and high school process. My knowledge of the area he would be studying. The thought of being able to help write a treatment, draw a storyboard, to actually help my child design a program that creatively will draw the foundation of a career I miss.
I have felt overwhelmed with the "new" academics kids are learning these days. Outside of literature and language there isn't much I know about what my kids are learning in school today. It can make a parent feel a bit inept. But today, I felt the need to hold my excitement so as not to impact my son's choices. I dn't want my excitement about this program to influence which school he chooses if it comes down to his personal choice.

But, man the energy in this school brought a flood of emotions. His excitement alone made me proud and happy to be nurturing education, no matter what the choice, but I had no idea how these visits and choices would affect me personally.


  1. OH my gosh--that is so amazing! Bli ayin hara--I am so excited for BOTH of you! xoxo
